Bloody Flight

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"What's going on!" I had started to hyperventilate. When a Gerudo reached through the bars for the beautiful sword, I quickly snatched it up with reflexes I hadn't known I had. The girl stared up at me with fearful yellow eyes above her violet veil. I stared back, just as afraid.

"What did you do to me!" I cried.

"It is not what we did," said Aveil, breathless, "it is you!"


"You and your...your freak imagination!"


I looked down at the all too familiar sword. As I did, I remembered what I had imagined last in my dream. There had been a character from my story who had an indestructible sword that could cut through everything, even steel. Created from the gems of an had it come out of stupid story in my head to real life? And these wings—I fluttered them. In a vast sense of surrealism I could feel each muscle, joint, and feather as my own. I had imagined these wings to get away from the desert beast. But hadn't that all been a dream?

The Gerudo crouched wearily in front of the cell, eyeing my gleaming sword and huge wings that were too large for the small quarters. Amanda's eyes looked slightly bloodshot.

" did this?"

"I already told you! You're imagination!" said Aveil.

"What did you give me! I remember now! You gave me that weird potion!"

"When the test failed to prove you had the same imagination as me," said Amanda quietly from besides me, "she gave you a potion to give you very active dreams sleep, so to see if you had the creation-"

"Shut up!" a Gerudo slammed her sword against the bars. Amanda coiled back into her corner.

"Stop that! What does she mean?"

Aveil sniffed, looking to the side to the door.

"You'll find out soon enough."

"What do you mean soon enough?" than it hit me. Their master—Aveil had sent for their master. Ganon.

I looked back to my sword, than to Amanda.

"Tell me, please!"

She didn't respond, but continued to look behind her. Waiting. The other Gerudo slowly turned. My heart skipped a beat, and I looked back down to the sword. On the way, I met Amanda's eyes once more. She knew that sword as well from all the times I had talked to her about my stories. Her stormy green-blue eyes met mine.

'Go.' she mouthed. 'Go now!'

I shook my head vigorously. "What about you?"

"You'll never get out," she said, "he's coming."


Amanda scowled at me and wave her hands at me to move on. But I wouldn't take that.

"To bad. You're coming with me." I reached out my hand to her. Aveil had swiveled back, drawing her sword.

"You're not going anywhere, beastie." she said. The other Gerudo had turned back as well, fully armed. As I stood in stark fear of what I was about to face, more Gerudo began to trickle into the room. It was now or never.

Swiveling on the spot, I grabbed Amanda's arm, raising the sword to the solid stone wall behind me.

"What are you-!" but Aveil's sentence was cut off as I brought the sword clashing down onto the wall. It sliced into it like cheese. I swung again—and again. Rocks crumbled in waterfalls with each stroke. Pandemonium erupted behind me as the women scrambled for the keys to the door.

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