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~Izu's point of view~

Another school,great. No I don't want to go to school,even if I'm a nerd. Yes,yes. ' Nerds are supposed to love school ' I don't. That's a fact. I hate it, ppl who are mean,or just look away when others are. But oh well, there's no going back now. I quickly knocked on the classroom door.

„Come in!“, a voice called from inside the room. Slowly and quietly I opened the door. I walk to the front,my green curls partly covering my face. I hear giggles and people whispering. I get the want to run out of this classroom,but I'm not going to cause any scenes. Atleast not on the first day..

„Sit down next to Kaminari,please. Rais your hand, Kaminari.", Said the teacher. A boy with yellow hair raised his hand. He had a black lighting dyed into his hair. He had his nails painted black. He looked kinda nice, he's probably just pretending but as quick as possible,I sat down next to him. Our teacher suddenly pulled out a yellow sleeping bag from under his table and went to sleep. Weird but who cares. Everyone seemed used to it so I just stopped worrying.

„Heyyyy are you alive?!“, someone asked loudly, pulling me out of my thoughts. It was a girl with short,pink hair. She had her hands stamed onto my desk.

„H-huh..?“, I gave from me quietly. The girl smiled brightly.

„Heya! I'm Mina Ashido!“, she nearly yelled holding her hand into my face.

„U-uh I'm I-Izuku M-midoriya..“, I said shaking her hand.

„Your so cute!!“, she screamed. I went red but smiled shyly and whispered a small thanks.
More people went to my table which surprised me a lot. There was that Kaminari,a boy with black hair,one with red and one with blond hair. All of them were smiling except for the blond boy,he looked mad.

„Hi, I'm Sero Hanta!”, the black haired man said.

„ I'm Kirishima Eijiro and that's Bakugou Katsuki!”, said the red headed boy whilst pointing to the blondy.

I-izuku M-m-midoriya..”, I nearly whispered. They started talking casually but not ignoring me. They were including me, asking for my opinion and just being nice to me. Well except for the Bakugou. He was mostly yelling and threatening to hurt his poor friends. Still,I liked all of them and I enjoyed finally having company!
In the middle of Mina trying to explain something,the bell rang. It was lunch time.. I hate lunch. I always sat alone and people who would pass, would either destroy my food or laugh at me. Little did they know that the food that they were destroying was the only food I was getting for a whole week. Well I don't think they wouldn't have destroyed it even if they knew.

„Are you ok,Midoriya?”, a voice asked,to be exact, Kirishimas voice asked.

„Uh,y-ye!! I'm f-f-fine!”, I lied.

„Are you coming, idiot?”, Bakugou asked.

„W-where to?”, I stuttered.

„To the rooftop,we always eat lunch there!”, Kiri answered my question with a beautiful smile on his face. They want me to eat lunch with them? I smiled brightly. I nodded quickly and stood up following my new made uhm friends? Am I even allowed to call them that? Are they my friends? Are they just being nice because I'm new? Do they just want to use me or make fun of me? Suddenly I felt two strong arms grip my shoulders. I looked up just to be met with Bakugous face,very close to mine. I blushed like crazy and looked away.

„Why the fûck are you worrying so much about what we think,Huh?! Are you scared or something?!”, Bakugou yelled. I started to get really nervous. Why do I stutter so much?!

„What Bakugou is actually trying to say is that,you don't have to worry! We're not all that bad and yes,if you'd like,you can call us your friends!”, Kirishima translated pushing his elbow into Bakugous side. He hissed but Kirishima just smiled. Bakugou was still leaning over me,which I had forgotten completely. He put his hand under my chin and pulled it to him. His beautiful, red eyes stared into mine. He was fixed on my eyes. I went really red.

„Just kiss him, but don't kîll him! Look how red he is!”, Kirishima said jokingly but Bakugou did let go which made me a bit sad.

I hope you like this chapter as much as I do!
774 words!!<33

The new,nerdy kid at the school full of punks (kiribakudeku)Where stories live. Discover now