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~ Minas point of view ~

Finally the other three boys made it up to the roof. Izu was as red as a tomato,how cute!! Tho..what did the boys do to get him that red? I shook the thought away for now.

„Ugh there you guys finally are!”, I moaned. Kiri smiled and sat down next to Sero. Bakugou sat down next to Kiri but with a bit of distance. Izu was standing there, pretty helpless. I wanted to tell him to sit down but before I could Baku grabbed his wrist and pulled him down,in the middle of him and Kiri.
I think he's owned by them now..
Ahhh how cute!! Izu got completely red but no one seemed to really care. We started eating our food and talking but then I noticed that Izu wasn't eating.

„Izu,why aren't you eating?”, I asked which made him flinch pretty badly.

„I-i-i just f-forgot my food..”, he stuttered looking to the ground.

„Here!”, Kiri said, offering Izu a sandwich. Izu declined tho but Kiri kept insisting.

„I'm not hungry!”, he squeeked. Not hungry huh?

~ Kirishimas point of view ~

He isn't hungry? Weird.. Suddenly Bakugou climbed on top of Midoriya and forcefully pushed some food down the poor boys throat. Midoriya looked a bit disgusted.. He instantly pushed Bakugou from his lap and ran down the stairs. All of us were shocked! Me and Bakugou stood up and ran after him. He surly ran down the stairs,and then we saw a patch of green locks. He was running to the bathroom. We ran after him and when we entered the bathroom puking sounds were heard which made my heart stop. Midoriya was throwing up..was it because of the food,was he allergic?! Or was it an ed thing..so many thoughts ran through my head that I didn't even notice Bakugou running to the stall that Midoriya was in and holding his hair up.

„Fuck,shitty hair,BRING A WET PAPER TOWEL!”, he yelled getting all of my attention back to reality. I ran to the sink,got paper towels and put them under water. I quickly brought them to the stall and gave em to Baku. He took them and put them on Midoriyas forehead.

„You also have a fever..”, Baku nearly whispered to Midoriya.

„We should bring him to the doctor's office, he'll get picked up..”, I suggested without thinking anything serious of it. Suddenly Midoriya looked up and squeeked:

„O-oh n-n-no,pls..I f-feel f-f-fine!!”

„No you don't!”, Baku insinuated.

„Pls,I don't want to be picked up...”,he begged without stuttering sounding really serious. Why does he not want to get picked up?

„Then we're going to my place,your not staying at school in this condition!”, Baku said. I sighed. He looked at me as if asking if I'm coming. I nodded calmly. Pulling my phone out of my pocket I wrote the others a massage and told them what happened and that we're skipping school.
I pushed send and turned to Baku and Midoriya. I only now realized that Midoriya had fallen asleep in Bakus lap. He's probably so tired and stressed.. It looked very cute tho! I smiled to Baku and he pulled me in and kissed me on my lips. It was a quick peek but that didn't matter,I love all of his kisses! I smiled brightly and warmly. He went slightly red but smiled back. I was the only one on years who had seen his genuine smile and even knew about it.

Ahhhh I still have motivation for this story, what a wonder!!
615 words

The new,nerdy kid at the school full of punks (kiribakudeku)Where stories live. Discover now