The Legend Of The Bone Knapper

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Nobody pov

We go to berk where a gobers house was on fire but slowly got out by the dragon fire brigade

Y/n: so where's gobber

Stoic: well he's not in the house

Gobber: im right here!

He said walking up to the chief and his son with a cart full of weapons

Stoic: gobber what happened

Gobber: what's it look like, a dragon set my he on fire! You puch me too far! you ugly bag of bones!!!

Y/n: he can't be talking about our dragons so what exactly is he talking about

Stoic: a myth, gobber for the last time there is no such thing as a-

Gobber: boneknapper!

Then the crowd starts to whisper

Tuff: a what knapper

Gobber: a disgusting and foul piece that wears a coat of Bones as armor looking like a giant flying skeleton

Fishlegs: oh! The dragon manual says that the boneknapper will stop at nothing to find the perfect bone to build its coat of armor it's awesome

Stoic: come on! It's a myth (laughs) it doesn't even exist

Gobber: I'm telling you, it's real. I've been running from him my whole life. He's the one who started this fire.

???: stoic we found gobbers underpants hanging by the stove, they must have started the fire

That's when the village started laughing

Stoic: still think it was the boneknapper, or just you're underpants

Gobber: I don't think! I know! Somehow he found me again. This dragon is pure evil

Stoic: gobber it's late we're too tired for your stories. Now get some rest

Gobber: you rest im putting an end to this

He sat snatching how underpants from stoic and walking past him with his weapons cart to the docks as y/n watched him leave

Astrid: so we're going after him

Y/n: I never said that besides he's fine~ he's gobber

Astrid: you don't believe that

Y/n: I don't, alright Vikings time to set sail

Tuff&ruff: alright!

Snotlout: no way am I going on a quest to find some make-believe dragon

Y/n: oh really, astrid would you do the honors

Astrid:(cracks knuckles) my pleasure


Time skip

On a boat, all the kids were rowing while gobber was

Gobber: put your backs to it you lazy dogs! Row! Row!

Y/n: okay maybe this was a bad idea

Snotlout: ya think!

Gobber: just want you kids to know it's touching my heart that you'll help me slay the boneknapper, true Viking you are

Ruff: gobber are we there yet

Fishlegs: oh you'll know we're close when your ears explode from the piercing screams. Legend says this dragons roar is so Fierce it can melt the flesh right off your bones

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