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Omi writhed on the floor with far less flesh to lash. His head oozed. I couldn't tell what was broken or missing, but he had a zombie like look. He was squealing till you couldn't hear yourself think. Somebody had to take charge, and I am the most responsible.
"on your feet, Omi." I said.
Kimiko wrung her hands. "shouldn't we dip his stub into some rubbing alcohol or something? Don't we have ointment?" She was referring to his missing finger.
"He is more scared than hurt." I said. "Up, Omi."
"Are you crazy?!" I heard clay mumble.
Omi lolled and squeaked, and I untied my chore doing apron.
"Where are you going, Alice?!" Kimiko gibbered.
"Out," I said. "Omi and I are going to get his finger back.
Omi stopped mid-scream. Silence fell. He wouldn't meet my eye. He'd have slunk off to his room If he could.
"Don't even think about it, Omi. We are going for your finger. I hope you remember where you lost it."
Omi cowered, but I marched him out of the room.
All the way up through the halls I bristled with things I felt like sayin to Omi, things he needed to hear. We turned into the passage. We were outside of the temple then, on the front passage before the gates. We lived near Jack so we needed to keep one eye on the sky. Omi would wince time to time as he clutched his finger stub, he seemed to try to stall between grunts.
"which way to the finger, Omi?"
I can read his expressions well. He considered leading me off on some wild goose chase. But then he thought better of it and started through the grass around the side of the temple.
We rounded the temple and I could see Jack's house. We turned away from it. Now down the slope of the lawn, Jack's house still stood tall near us.

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