War with Deisly

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|| Four years have passed, spring ||
        |April 14|
Dill is already 14 years old, and Oshi is only 12. They already controlled their powers and blended into the main family. Dill has a sun mark on his left arm. And on Oshis head grew small white horns. She had small growths from birth, but they lacked the strength to grow. Because she's a half-breed.
Candy ran up to Ayano and Kokona's room with a mail bag overweight, she caught her breath and entered without even knocking. Ayano sat at her desk while Kokona sorted through her books. The messenger went to the table, and putting the letter on the table left the room. Ayano opened the envelope with a knife, she glanced at the letter, and looked at Kokona with fear.
- Kokona, a letter from Arha....
- What is there? Don't languish.
- a bold statement, she decided that we appropriated her pupils for ourselves. We should give her the crystals and the staff, as well as Candy, Emilia, Oshi, Dill, and of course those two from the Polydon family.—Ayano walked over to Kokone and handed her the letter. Kokona grabbed the letter in annoyance, her eye twitching in anger. She glanced at Ayano and put on a light coat.
–Call a meeting. Even Polydon and Poyshen! Tell them it's not a drill.—Ayano nodded, she ran out of the room with a serious face, ran down the flight of stairs and ran out of the mansion towards the Ocean hideout. While Kokona was writing a letter to the Polydon family, after finishing writing she gave the envelope to Candy and left the room. She walked from room to room and called for people to line up near the exit. Soon Kokona and the pupils set out on their journey. Candy and Abigail went first, then Emilia and Cruz. at the very end were Oshi and Dill.
They came to an unfamiliar place, a shelter hidden underground, strange, but it was quite cozy there. Kokona opened the doors and walked out to the others. The Kokona sat near Ayano,there was also places for Lawley pupils. Opposite sat Polydon, among whom were already Yairu and Tseil. Their patron was blind, so they had two escorts with them. Ginny and Akilina. they were dressed in fairly light clothes, consisting of a shirt and trousers. The girls stood adjusting a rather dark cloak on their shoulders. On their heads were fezzes with a visor, black in color, the visors were dark gray and transparent. On the feet, black boots with spikes on the sides. They stood as if on command "level up". After all, their call signs were two and three. There were guards in their family, but the two and three stood above them. Ginny was a red-haired girl with curly hair and black eyes. Akilina was fair-haired, with blue eyes. Her gaze was not as stern as that of her partner. Poyshen was also in the meeting, she was sitting at left near Ayano. Kokona placed her hands on the table. She looked around at everyone and rang the bell.
– we have gathered you all here, because of the intentions of the Deisley family, the family of the sun and light, Decided that they could command the rest. Miss Grelioda. It was your family that was deprived of the staff ten years ago?— Kokona's voice was stern, she stared at the patron of Polydon. Grelioda Polydon raised her head in the direction of the voice, her voice resounded, reminiscent of the song of a lark, clear, fleeting and resonant.
-Yes it is. Miss Arha set us up, and we had to move to dry land.
- What about you, Miss Poyshen? Weren't you the one who was robbed that month?— Kokona said, looking away.
- Yes, Arha devastated the shack while the hares were gone at midnight, I could not resist. After all, she signed a contract with Lotus Lil a long time ago.” Poushen sadly lowered her head, half of which was not visible because of the hood of the old raincoat. Ayano widened her eyes in surprise as she looked at Poshen. And with the help of a crystal, I contacted her thoughts.
~Miss Poyshen, aren't you the only survivor of the Lil family?~
~No, i'm not. My older sister was far away, so it's assumed that she was the only one who survived~
~I see...~
Ayano touched the crystal and continued to listen to Kokona.
- Since we are in the same boat, let's unite and enter the battlefield all together, so there will be fewer victims and more chances. Lawley has a plan—Kokona said coldly and nodded at Lawley's pupils. The two and three looked discontentedly, arrogantly and with distrust at Kokona and in one voice asked:
–Why should Polydon listen to you, Miss Kokoet?
–I only suggest, Ginny, Akilina, let's listen to Miss Grellioda.—Grellioda nodded her head and confirmed her move with the words:
–I agree to team up with Lawley.—Grellioda declared proudly and smiled. Poyshen looked around at the families and looked at the eldest girl from the midnight hares, Litry.
– we are in business, as well as on the battlefield, and for medical purposes. Kokona looked around at the children and smiled as she nodded towards Candy, who was already taking out a map and plan from her mail bag. She piled them on the table and turned to Yairu, who looked wistfully at the exit. Kokona explained the plan, talking about the known abilities of her kids of night.
||2 weeks have passed||
Everyone in Lawley was tense, because recently, Miss Goetti died. Two hours after supper, she was found in the living room, fallen from a rocking chair in front of the fireplace. Cause of death: poisoning. time of death: 23:38 Her body was burned, and the ashes were buried in the garden of this family in order to see her again, at least in dreams. Candy approached Kokona, who was smoking alone on the balcony, and after bowing, she handed her a letter from the reapers. The girl printed it out and began to read. "Dear Kokoet and Ayanis. We accept your request for cooperation in this siege. Key persons will be evacuated. Our staff is always happy to help you. William Nest, Reedwrig Glow"
Kokona put out her cigarette butt and with a joyful smile went to Ayano, announcing that soon the operation "sunset" would begin. The children gathered, even the new ones were forced to take such a dangerous step. After all, one wrong action, and you fell into the spell of Deisly ... forever, until a person appears who opens your eyes to the fact that their world is an illusion. Three days later, they were already advancing through the dark forest to the Deisly mansion, the first was Poyshen in the usual mask and a rather worn out cloak, she banged with a staff so that those who were behind understood that everything was going smoothly, the reapers of the first and second detachments followed her, but not all. 5 from the first and 6 from the second. Rodion, Ronald, Elliot, Ollie and Ellie. Teri, Riret, Gron, Katrina, Ranshaku and Saprino. Next came Lawli, and behind him were two children from Polydon. Yairu and Kosakiro. They walked in solid formation, getting closer and closer to the estate. Approaching the window on the right side, the children crouched while Poshen created a ladder out of vines through which they could enter the second floor. The reapers climbed first, Rodion waved his hand, and everyone else climbed through the window. The quiet steps of the children and their leaders, they split up to kill as many of these children as possible, and then publicly execute Archa. Rodion and Oshi walked together while her brother was with Ranshaku. Rodion nodded his head towards Molly and Michelle's bedroom. They lured them out by recording the ringing of bells on a voice recorder, it was late, so there was a possibility that the girls would not wake up. But Michelle came out of the room, she sleepily rubbed her eyes and tried to make out a family member who was still awake. Rodion pulled her to him with a cane and cut her throat. He threw her body on the floor and wiped the knife with a napkin that had been in his pocket all this time. Oshi picked up the corpse and pulled it around the corner so Molly wouldn't be frightened. I had to tinker with her, because she did not go out to ring of bell So they had to walk with her dead sister's shoes they saw  that she finally came out. When Molly appeared, she pointed unmistakably at Oshi, and opening her mouth, she tried to say something, but then reached for the pocket of her nightgown. Rodion went up to her and put his finger to the pocket. Oshi at that time came as close as possible, and hit her in neck
//meanwhile on another floor//
–Diill, are you sure they're not on the second floor after all?— Ranshaku sighed and pulled the boy's sleeve. He pulled it back and pointed to the guards, they were in the form of Daisley, but it seems that Archa did not make more puppets out of them, but simply left notes on security instead of instructions. Ranshaku, noticing the guards, aimed her revolver with a silencer and fired at the first, and then at the second, the bodies fell to the floor, splattering blood. But then, the lights around the estate turned on, and in Archi's office. Kokona crept up to the back room and hid in it, waiting for her steps, she held a heavy battle ax with a purple ribbon. Kokona's breathing was barely audible, but through the gap she saw that it was not Archa, but another guard. Are there really so many? But why?
The loudspeaker struck the children tremblingly, everyone together, on different floors, stared at them, and heard an unpleasant phrase for themselves ... "Lowley, let's play hide and seek" Arha's voice broke off, on which floor is this person ..?
//second floor, children's  corridor//
There was an arrogant clatter of heels, there was no light on this floor, so Rodion and Oshi had to use flashlights to see at least something other than their nose. There was light on the first floor, Dill grabbed the walkie-talkie and gave Oshi a message that the light is the only thing that saves from Arha.But what about those who are in the dark area? Hide, wait, attack? What to do in four in different wings? As the sound of heels approached the children, Poshen pulled forward and covered Oshie under her floor-length cloak. She nodded towards Rodion and went into the room of the already dead girls. Poushen tapped her staff, and the children turned into Molly and Michelle, and the corpses moved under the bed. Poushin climbed into the closet and squatted down, she put the staff against the wall of the closet and hid. The children lay down on the bed, and when Archa approached the room, they got up and, squinting from the light of the lamp, looked at Arha.
Arha nodded and left the room, the girl creaked the door and slowly began to close it. The sound of heels moved away, Powshen got out of the closet, and, just like the first time, she hit her staff. Rodion, having returned to his original appearance, breathed a sigh of relief, but Oshi did not experience any reaction. She understood that this was all for the sake of the mission. They began to whisper to each other about the information they had received from Dill.
–What shall we do... What if  we will not get out of here alive?— Poyshen began to think sadly. She glanced at the young reapers.
–No, when did you see the reapers give up so quickly?— Rodion threw aside all bad thoughts and spoke decisively–Let us not know where she will appear next time. We will just kill as many children as possible and play hide and seek—Rodion smiled and headed towards the exit. Poyshen and Oshi looked at each other and followed him. Rodion stopped them:
–Miss Poyshen, Oshi, we need to split up. This will make it easier and more efficient.
“Okay, Rodion, I hope everything goes smoothly.” Oshi said and began to move away, she took out a katana from her sheath, despite her fear of death, she walked confidently, because this is her first mission.
//Ayano and Yairu//
-Yairu, we finished  here, there are no more guards—Ayano said, wiping the blood from her face with a handkerchief.
–where is Sacred Conch of the Polydon Family?— Yairu's voice was trembling as she worried about her family.
—Don't be afraid, Yairu, we will find her.
      //Kokona Lawley//
Kokona, seeing Oshi, waved her hand and went to meet her, she was surprised that the girl was so determined to save another family. But, much to her surprise, Oshi walked past and didn't even look back. The girl's head was full of something completely different; she didn't care about Kokona. Oshi walked over to Moulk and Mirit's room. She began to rummage in her pocket, but found nothing what can help.
The girl looked to carpet, she forbade a bunch of keys, they were all covered in blood. She approached them, took it, returned to the door, and proceeded to select the key. After a couple of attempts, she found the right key, and unlocked the room. But it was not possible to open silently, a loud creak was heard, from which her targets woke up. Moulk got up, he went to the door and was surprised, because Oshi had already disappeared, He looked out, and in vain ... The girl attacked from the back, she plunged the katana into his neck and entered the room with an icy look. Small steps were barely audible in the room, Mirit was frightened, he watched a girl approaching him, whose eyes gleamed in the dark. But what was Oshi's surprise when the boy grabbed the blade with his hand, blood was flowing from his palm, Oshi tilted her head inquiringly, and yet, she began to cut through Mirit's hand.
He immediately pulled his hand away and began to cry, but his torment did not last long. The katana pierced his chest. Oshi pulled out a katana, shaking her head, the girl left the room and closed the door. Mark dropped the bell from his hands when he saw Oshi, he began to slowly approach.
–H-hey, are you Sunlight Lil by any chance?
–No, I'm Oshi. Why are you all confusing me with some Sunlight?!
-Sunlight Lil, she was before Arha...then our family was Pye, not Deisley... Rumor has it that Arha killed her..
-I see, thanks for the explanation.
–Forgive me for confusing you, you are very similar to her—Mark’s speech was interrupted by an ax blow from behind, Kokona took out an ax with hatred, and threw back the corpse with obvious disgust. Kokona smiled as she put her hand on Oshi's shoulder and said,
–Thank you for distracting him.
-a..? Yes, nothing ...
–let's move on, until Arha got here.
Oshi and Kokona set off along the corridors. The light went out, Oshi clung to Kokone, and she, as an assistant to the head of the family, Wrapped her in her haori and hugged her with her free arm.
//Rodion and Arha//
Archa came up behind the reapper, she stopped and touched his shoulder.
–Let me guess, the end has come to me .. Yes?— Rodion said and turned to Arha.
–Yes, reappers don't deserve to live, especially people like you. You're not even human! You are a monster
–You too, Miss Arha.—Rodion moved away and unrolled a neat bun of hair.
–Come on, attack.Ladies need to give in!
–How dare you! Nothing! No manners!—Arha shouted, she summoned her spear and stared at Rodion
–last words?
–I belive its tea time—A smile never left Rodion’s face, he knew that Arha was attacking from the front, so he was preparing to jump back. Arha only swung her spear in his direction, knowing that Rodion would jump back. And yes, he jumped back. But he did not foresee the tip of the spear, it treacherously stuck into the boy's back. He let out a sick, drawn-out death cry. Did Arha know everything.. and summoned a spear before he jumped somersault...? Blood spurted out of Rodion's mouth, the boy opened his eyes wide, but soon his eyelids closed... and he could no longer open his eyes...
Oshi pulled Kokona by the long linen sleeve, she pointed in the direction of the scream. The reapers of the first squad ran to the scream, as did Lawley. They slowed down when they saw Arha, who was already assessing who to  kill next. Kokona with the help of the cristalls magic, created a cage of solid blue material around it, which shocked Arha if she touched him. Oshi ran up to Rodion, the girl fell to her knees and began to cry, she cracked Rodion, thinking that he would get up and swear, as he usually did on serious missions and training. The reappers put their hands on their hearts and bowed their heads over the corpse. Even the second rankers, who barely know this little boy. Dill bowed down to Oshi and hugged her, as he used to hug her in early childhood and reassure her, no matter what happened. Ayano looked at Kokona and snuggled up to her with regret. Poyshen, who had just approached them, fired a ball of sleeping gas at Arha.
When Deisley, the punisher of children, fell asleep, Kokona freed her and tied her hands with a rope that blocked magic. She was taken by the shoulders and led to the basement in Lawley's mansion. Near the mansion, the reappers said goodbye to their allies and carried the body of Rodion to their morgue, to be buried later. Kokona personally took Arha, who had already come to her senses, to the basement and locked her up, without food or water. Only Arha and shackles that prevented her from even going to the door. Soon she will be executed .. on the main square, because no one will escape justice. Also the other day, Kokona returned two of her pupils to the Polydon family and a special gift: the Sacred Shell, which allows this family to return their true appearance, the appearance of mermaids.  Grellioda was pleased with this gift, as this shiny, golden shell has been their family heirloom for many years. As  thanks, the Lawley family received an invitation to visit them at a cafe near the motel and  talk with a family of graceful, grandiose and even elegant Finches. They are not exactly finches, but even this does not make them more like people, the most ordinary and boring. (The trip to the Treat of the Seas is described in a special chapter)

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