The Sukaishima Blast

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I fly home confused as hell. I had so much going through my mind. At first I thought Vegeta and I hated eachother, now we're friends? And also I almost killed him with this new move I had no idea I could bizarre. When I arrive, I'm greeted by my family, even Krono, who was only concerned on what the castle looked like. "It was huge. And there were a lot of pictures of past kings. Nothing too exciting." I explain. "What did he want with you?" Mother asked. "He wanted to sort of rematch. But then we just trained together a little bit. It" My whole family gives me a strange look. "Training, fun? Then you must not have been doing it right." Krono said. "It's to be taken seriously. Not playing around like its a game." I roll my eyes. "Well, I'm glad you had fun." Dad pipes up. "Me too!" Leek joins. I smile at him. Such a sweet little boy. "Well I'm glad everything's ok between you and Prince Vegeta." I smiled "Yep! And he wants me to come back tomorrow to do it again!" The strange look returns. "AGAIN? What? Was kicking his ass the first four times not good enough?" My dad says "BETRO." Mother scolds. I laugh. "Actually dad, it was three kind of, and I think we're kinda sort of friends-ish maybe?" I say heading towards my room. I close the door behind me and collapse on my bed. Geez, what a day. I pull off my armor and lay there in my stealth suit. I'm actually excited for tomorrow. Wait. Excited? To train, of course. Not to see...Vegeta? Did he feel the same? Why does the thought of him send a sensation through my body? I gasp. "No." I say out loud even though no one can hear. I can't be developing...FEELINGS for that clown?? I mean, he's a jerk, right? A funny, witty, kinda cute-WAIT. No no no no no. Stop it Sukai. No. You take that back. And you proceed to see him as your enemy. The one you are fighting for most powerful Saiyan. A knock on the door disrupts my thoughts. "Come in." I say as dad walks in. He closes the door and tip toes over to my bed. He looks around as if to see if some one were lurking "I don't want your mother to hear us talking of this but, what all did you do in the fight??" My eyes perk up and I explain to him how I used super and normal ki blasts. I also explained to him the strange pink energy I shot that hit Vegetas arm. He gave me a shocked stare and turned away. "Dad? What is it?" I ask putting a hand on his shoulder. He turns back "You're sure you haven't done that before?" I nod "Yes. He just kept calling me weak and I lost it for a second." He smiles at me and pulls me in for a hug. "Honey, I'm so proud of you." He says. Was he crying? Oh god. "Dad?? What's wrong?" I pat his back. He pushes away. "I thought you would've at least finished training school by the time this happens but," he stops. My patience is very slim. "BUT?" I make him continue. He gains his thoughts "But, you learned your first specialty move." He was grinning ear to ear. My heart beat quickens. "That means that, that move you did was yours and only yours. That energy blast you shot was your whole energy in an orb. That's why it was so powerful." He further explains. My eyes widen with excitement. "Wow..." That red ray Vegeta shot must have been his specialty move. Dad stands up. "Others CAN learn your move. But only you can teach them." He starts to walk out but quickly faces me. "Wait! Since it's yours, you get to name it!!" He shouts. And then Remembers he needed to be quiet. I laugh. " about the Sukaishima? My name all in one word?" He nods. "I couldn't think of anything more beautiful." He says before heading out the door. I smile and crawl into bed. This day has been a roller coaster of emotions. Ugh. But hopefully tomorrow will be a little less...annoying.

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