Chapter 14: A Chestnut hates Sailing.

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As Twilight and Spike arrive back home in the library, Spike opens his mouth to give his opinion on what transpired in the past four hours.

"Don't you think it was kind of rude of you to drag Sam all the way to the castle, In ropes might I add, and then put him on a diplomatic mission across the ocean?" Spike asks Twilight, who lowers bags of new books she bought when she had spare time in Canterlot.

"Well, It was a request from the Princess, you can't refuse an order from the crown, Spike, Even if you really want to." Twilight explained to Spike, Which confused him.

"But it wasn't even from the Princess." That catches Twilight's attention.
"What do you mean?"

"Well, I would understand if it was on the orders of Princess Celestia, But she wasn't there. It was Raven Inkwell that sent the letter and held the meeting. The only actual royalty there were that Duke from Caninia, Princess Cadance and Prince Blueblood. And Blueblood sounded like he also didn't think it was a good Idea." Spike told her.

Twilight, thinking over what she just heard, looked back at what happened since she picked up Samuel at his cave.

He tried to run away, he was tied up in ropes and dragged across a city, he was seated in a meeting which seemed of great importance without any prior knowledge of what was going on, and then he was sent to the New Breezie port, surrounded by an armed guard nonetheless.

He really didn't want to go.
It might have looked like a child throwing a temper tantrum in her eyes, because she couldn't understand what he was saying and he looked so small, but Spike understood everything he said.

He was an adult who was humiliated and sent on an envoy for a nation not his own.

"Spike, Write to princess Celestia right now!" She shouts and Spike runs off to find a quill and paper.

She just hopes she isn't too late...

I Hate Boats, I get seasick very easily when I'm on them.
The slow ones at the very least, Smaller fast boats are okay.
Mostly because I'm too busy holding on to dear life when they jump over a small wave.

The more correct way to say it is that I Hate Being on Boats.
I love looking at them, They remind me of Grandpa.
He used to build realistic models of old ships from hundreds of years ago.
He gave me a model of one when I turned 18, It had 3 poles and 11 sails that unfurled downwards to open.
It some ship from the 17 or 18th century.

As I was reminiscing about my grandpa, another wave rocks the boat and I hold myself from throwing up.

When I get back to Equestria, I am going to ruin Twilight's life.
I Promise you this, Twilight Sparkle, you just made an enemy for life.
I'm sure I can hatch a plot to ruin her life on my way back from Caninia, I am the worlds greatest criminal mind after all.

"*Tap Tap Tap*" I hear knocking on the door to my cabin, Slowly shambling my nauseous body to the door, I swing it open, intending to hit whoever is on the other side.

I miss my shot to hit someone in the head with a swinging door, Apparently the doors here aren't even wide enough to hit someone.

I look at who it is and I see the pink pony from the meeting, Gorgonzola or whatever her name was.
She was a bit too optimistic so I immediately pinned her as the one in the wrong.
You can never be optimistic in Politics, take it from me, a guy who lives in a country that had seen 15 wars since it's founding, and those are the ones that were considered wars by the Ministry of Defense.

A Walking Chestnut (Pokemon x MLP) (Cross post from Fimfiction)Where stories live. Discover now