Chapter 1

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Yeyy chapter 1^^

Oh wait quick note. Chapter 1 would be the present time(Ice would be 17 and Icy would be 15), whereas the last 3 chapters show the past. So in the present the Sano siblings(Shinichiro's children) actually moved to the Philippines when they were aged 10 and 12 yrs old for their safety because their mother was killed by enemy gang. So, their father had bought them a house in the Philippines where they are currently staying at. Didn't want to make y'all wait for the first chapter considering first 3 chapter were soooooooo long. You may continue reading now~

Icy's POV

The present......

*beep beep beep*

I woke up to the sound of my alarm. I sat up and stretched my arms. I looked at the time and remembered that it's my first day of school. Yes, my first day of school. I never really got to experience coming to school everyday since I was homeschooled. Tho my brother actually started school here in the Philippines ever since we moved and I didn't know why dad wouldn't let me start going to school. But today is different, I finally convinced dad to let me go to school.

I got out of bed and started to shower. After a few minutes I was done and got out of the bathroom to change. I changed into pants, a white croptop that's long enough to cover my stomach and a customized black blazer that was given to me by Unlce Koko (Icy refers to all executives as Uncle since they're all close friends of his Uncle Mikey). What's so special about this blazer? Well, on the left sleeve has Uncle Koko's name, on the bottom right sleeve it has Bonten logo, and at the front on the left side has my initials on it. Uncle had it specially customized for me. Oh, did I mention all Bonten executives like to spoil me.

After changing, I took all my things and head down to the kitchen. "Good morning Kuya" (Kuya is honorifics for older brother in the Philippines).

"Good morning sis, sit down breakfast is ready. After that we'll go to school" he said and placed a plate of food infront of me. Oh i forgot to mention, i'll be going to kuya's school for him to look after me even when in school. We sat down and ate.

"Hey sis, here's your lunch" kuya handed me a paper bag with my lunch inside it. I got it and thanked him. After that we gathered our things and head to school.

Few minutes later.....

We now arrived at school. We stood in line to get out temperatures checked before going in. Because this is the first time this school would have face-to-face classes after 2 years of pandemic. I'm still surprised they now allowed face-to-face classes here. Except we are divided into to groups, set A and set B. I'm in set B so my classes only are on Wednesday and Tbursday while set A have classes on Monday and Tuesday then the rest of the days are home school. Kinda sucks but it's still school.

We finally got in and kuya dropped me off at my classroom. "You know where to find me right?" He asked and I nodded.

"Good, if you need anything text me or come to my classroom" he said and patted my head before walking away to his own room.

I walked in the classroom and there were fairly a number of students in there. Some of them are talking and laughing among themselves, maybe it's because they've known each other already. I found a seat near a window not minding their stares and just scrolled through my phone until the teacher arrives.

A girl sat next to me leaving the middle seat open to maintain social distancing. She was wearing a white shirt and pants. Her curly hair tied in a low ponytail. Though I could only see her eyes because of the mask covering half of her face

This is what the seating arrangement looked like.

  The girl | vacant seat | me | window

We made eye contact and she waved at me, i returned the gesture and went back to what i was doing. Soon enough the teacher arrived. The teacher went to the front and checked our attendance. She then proceeded to arrange us to our assigned seats. I now sat at the middle on the last row.

Like this:

|_|_|_|     |_|_|_|     |_|_|_|
This the middle row where i sat

Seating arrangement:

Row 4 : seat 1 | seat 2 |seat 3
Row 5:  seat 1 | seat 2 | me

(I tried my best to make a demonstration, hope you understand it lmao)

After arranging us, the teacher introduced herself and talked about herself. "Okay, how about you introduce yourselves. That way we can get to know each other more" the teacher said looking at all of us. The boys started first, i stayed quiet and listened trying to remember each of their names. Now it was my turn, so i stood up.

"Hi everyone, my name is Icy Leigh Sano, i'm 15 yrs old. I was born and raised in Japan but I moved here 5 years ago with my brother" i said. "Oh you have a brother?" The teacher asked and I nodded. "Is it uhh, Ice? Do you know Ice Leahndro Sano?" She asked. "Yes po, he is my brother" i said politely. (Po is a sign og respect to elders in the Philippines).

"Oh you know you're brother is very kind and hardworking, very handsome too" i giggled.

"Tell us more about yourself" the teacher said. "Well I love to sing and dance. I also like to read books while listening to music" i said thinking of other facts about me.

"Uhm excuse me ma'am, can i ask a question to her?" One of my classmate asked. It was a girl, she was also wearing whie shirt and pants. Her hair tied in a half ponytail. I could tell  just from looking at her features she is really pretty. I dont know her name since she hasn't introduced herself yet.

" uhm your last name is Sano right?" She asked and I nodded in response.

"Have you watched an anime called Tokyo Revengers?" She asked. I smirked "yeah, i have" i replied.

"Are you aware that you have the same last name as one of the characters?" She asked curiously. "Uhm yeah" i simply replied, already getting bored.

"Well, do you know Sano Manjiro?"
To be continued.....

Wowwwww, long ass chapter.
Do you guys like it? If you have any suggestions do tell me :)

Happy reading~

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