Chapter 1

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The cold early morning wind brushed against Megatron as he flew over the Appalachian Mountains, as the humans called it.
He would probably never admit it publicly but he enjoyed flying over it at sunrise. It had a way of making the day feel meaningful, as in "Not having to repeat the infernal cycle of commanding an army and going against the Autobots who have some sort of plot armor".

Nevertheless, Megatron had made it his refuge. Personal refuge.

He landed inside a small clearing and transformed. He took a moment to admire his surroundings, despite disliking humans, their planets was quite....nice when left untouched.

Which made the placement of a small cybertronian pod the more strange.

Megatron had noticed it on his way to the cave he had made his refuge. It took him a moment to realize it wasn't the type of pod normally seen in war time. It didn't house a relic nor weapon. Judging by its size, no cybertronian could fit inside, not even a minicon. The closer he got to inspect it, the closer the realization of its content seemed to shock him.

It was a sparkling pod.

Questions soon filled his mind. Was it alive? How long had it been there? Is there even a real sparkling inside? But most importantly : 'Why hadn't anyone taken it?'
This is what stuck out to him the most. The fact no Decepticon or Autobot seemed even aware of it's existence. Could it be a trick? Or blatant lack of awareness? Either way, he wasn't going to let it offline out here.

As gently as he could, Megatron took the pod in his arms and tried to open it. Fingers tracing the seams of the upper part and twisted it. The lid slide off, depressurizing as it did so. A part of him must have expected the pod to be empty and yet, the small frame of a sparkling could be seen peacefully recharging inside of it.

It's body was entirely deprived of pigment. Smooth and clean white proto-armor covered it's small form, covered by a thin mesh blanket. By the looks of it, there wasn't any features about its vehicle mode showing. His large servo tried to move the sparkling to get a better look at it without awakening it.
There was no sign of it even having creators, an entirely blank frame.

Maybe it would have claimed someone as it's parental figure before getting launched into the pod, depending on the time it was sent away. But judging by its lack of colors, kibbles and anything making it distinct from other sparkling protoforms.

It was alone. No one would come searching for it. It will only be forgotten with time, like a lost item.
In a way, it's probably why Megatron decided to bring the pod closer to him. Because despite everything, he knew the feeling of being alone and forgotten. He'd seen many other lower caste bots offline alone in the dark, forgotten by others, forced to mine through their planet for energon. Never knowing if they'll ever manage to see the light of the surface ever again...

He clutched it close to him. It shouldn't have to to through all of this. It was too young...

A small beep brought him out of his thoughts.

Megatron looked down into his arm at the pod to see the sparkling looking at him with shiny optics, a curious look in them.
Another beep came from the sparkling, this time it raised it's arms at the warlord, flexing its tiny servos.

He held out the pod at arms lenght, looking at the sparkling in confusion. 'What was it trying to do?'
It flexed it's servos again, beeping, this time getting more frustrated at the loss of warmth.

Megatron slowly brought the pod closer to him again. 'Did it want to be close to him?'
It beeped happily, slapping it's tiny servos over his chest.
He moved it away. It whined.
He brought it closer it. It stopped.

'Oh...It did want to be close to him.'

Large gray hands gently scooped up the tiny form, bringing it close to his chest. The pod was layed down on the ground.
The sparkling's engine hummed as it tried to climb up the tyrant's chest.

Deep in his spark, Megatron could feel a foreign feeling in his spark. 'Was it trying to create a bond with him?'
It felt as if a small being of energy let out a small tendril for him to reach out, to hold on to.

He looked at the sparkling, meeting it's optics who seemed to shine with hope.
And for a minute he hesitated, 'Should he really let this sparkling adopt him as his creator?'

He was going to die alone anyway, why not try and give this child a happy life?

The sparkling let out happy beeps and whirls as it rubbed its head onto his creator. It sent out pulses of joy and love through the bond.

'How could such a small being care about him?'

Megatron send back his own pulse of... affection, even though it felt foreign to him. He'd given up on having a happy life long ago.

Maybe things could be different now.

**Carrier codding engage**

In which Megatron becomes a momWhere stories live. Discover now