6. Blue Moon

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When Ryan awoke, he found himself in his room on his bed per usual. What was a little less usual, however, was that piled on top of him was a large pile of fabric scraps, each one blue in color. It weighed on him like a thick blanket, and it sprinkled on top of everything — his head, the bed, the floor. It was a complete and total mess. He slowly sat up, feeling most of the fabric descend onto his lap save a few that were tangled in his hair.

He pet the mountain of fabric almost affectionately, imagining it to be a trace of the Vexes instead of their trash. 'Again?' He asked, smiling. This was the third time this week that they had taken over his body, when they usually did about a few times a month. He didn't mind though, because even at this frequency it was a fair trade off in his opinion.


'We had fun.'

'Thanks for letting us borrow your body again.'

The Vexes exploded in laughter, and although Ryan usually understood their humor, he didn't get it now.

He jumped up to his feet, allowing the shredded pile to all fall around the floor. That was okay, though; he would have someone else clean it up for him. He then ran out the door, where he knew Cub was waiting for him.

Cub was indeed right in the hallway, waiting for the older boy. Much like Ryan himself, his hair was covered in blue fabric. "Dey did it again!" He cried. He was still so new to this, he didn't understand the way of Vexes or the little adventures they liked to go on.

Ryan reached out and ruffled the younger boy's hair before taking a few stray pieces out. A soft chuckle excited his lips. "Yes it did. They don't usually do it this often." He replied. He wondered what the reason was for this, not that he cared. The Vexes chatted away in his mind, but they didn't tell him anything useful.

"Boys!" Called a feminine voice from downstairs. "Come get some breakfast!"

The two little ones looked at each other in a knowing way. 'Last one down is a rotten egg!' taunted Ryan before he rushed to the stairs. With one fluid motion, he flew right up onto and over the railing, quickly descending onto the bottom floor. A wide smile was on his lips as he laughed like a maniac.

Cub was a little more timid with his approach, opting instead to jump onto the railing and slide down. He too was giggling as he felt the wind against his skin. Sure, Ryan was cheating, but he didn't care as long as he was having fun. With a thunk, the older boy hit the floor, but the Vexes prevented him from getting hurt.

Echoes of laughter barreled through the halls as the two began a full sprint to the dining room, both of their eyes glowing an electric blue. Cub was fast, but Ryan was just a bit faster. Both boys zipped into their respective places at the table.

The dining hall was large. High, arched ceilings were above them with wooden support beams and trusses. A large chandelier hung in the very center of the room, bringing light to the whole area. It's blue glass sent fragments of light everywhere. A thick wooden table spread itself out, leaving room to sit at least twenty very comfortably. The family sat directly underneath of the hanging centerpiece.

A pillager came, setting a plate of cinnamon rolls in front of each of them. Ryan and Cub exchanged large grins.

'Tell Cub that these are the best!' Ryan instructed. A Vex formed out of Ryan's side, giggling as it raced over to Cub to relay the message.

'Yeah!' Cub agreed as he cut a piece off and ate it. 'I wish we had cak too." A Vex was quick to race out of Cub to Ryan, continuing the silent conversation.

'And ice cream!' Ryan agreed, sending another Vex. Once Cub was told the message, he burst into laughter. Ryan was quick to join. Perhaps it wasn't so much that it was all that funny, but that the two could be talking about literally anything and the other three people sitting with them wouldn't have a clue. Yet, desert for breakfast was what they had chosen to talk about.

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