Chapter #13| Rogues

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Three months later ....

I couldn't believe we're three months pregnant, I touched my around pregnant stomach feeling my unborn pup move around. I giggled feeling her kick as I can faintly see her small paw. When we announced the gender of our pups, everyone celebrated.

Allen is having another boy as I'm having a little girl, Mama Jane couldn't her excited squeals at bay as our handsome mate refused to leave our side. Allen and I had to beg him to take care of pack duties.

"How's my grandpups?" asked Mama Jane

"Well Mia think she's playing soccer" I replied. Mama Jane chuckled as she gently touched my stomach.

"Please ... Oscar think he's a boxer" said Allen. I giggled, Mama Jane already picked out our pups name. Mia and Oscar are adorable names and we defiantly approved. We both waddled outside as we see Abby and Owen playing around in their wolf form. Baby Evan has grown throughout the months, he's now interested in his fingers.

"Hey baby" said Miles. I blushed seeing his handsome self before us, he went down on his knee and kissed my stomach.

"How's my little angel going?" he asked. I smiled.

"Good she's kicking away" I replied. Miles smiled then kissed my lips as he moved to Allen.

"What's wrong baby?" he asked. Allen hissed in pain as he rubs his stomach.

"Oscar is just kicking me but it hurts" he replied. Miles lowly growls then touched his stomach. He closed is eyes and gently rubs his stomach until slowly Oscar settles down making Allen sighed in relief.

Suddenly we heard loud screaming coming from the distance, Miles instantly stood on his feet then sniff the air.

"Rogues" he growls. Our pups whimper in fear until Miles ordered us to stay inside, he wanted us to be in the safe room until everything is safe. Allen and I waddled down the hall with other mothers, pups, our pups and Mama Jane hot on our trail. The large metal door close shut as four war wolves stayed inside guarding the door while another four stayed outside doing the same thing.

You could faintly hear the battle happening from outside, loud growls and roars echo making everyone shiver in fear. I held Owen tight in my arms while Allen done the same with Evan and Abby. Mama Jane huddled close to us making sure we're okay. Allen and I needed to be calm, stressing out is unsafe for our unborn pups. I couldn't and worry about Miles, he's out there, what is he's injured or worse killed?

"Miles is strong child, believe in him and the Moon Goddess" said Mama Jane. Suddenly we heard louder growls coming from the metal door, the war wolves stood in front of the growl ready to attack until everything went silent. Then boom the door slam open and add least six rogues entered the safe room, they attacked the war wolves.

"We need to move now!" Mama Jane yelled. I witness a few rogues killing innocent pups and mothers, their death scream echo throughout the pack. I heard loud painful howls respond, I knew it was their mates feeling the death of their fated mate. We looked around, the only way out if the entrance, we hugged the pups close to us until one large rogue wolf approached us. Allen and I shifted into our wolves, we need to get out of here alive. I growled loud as I can as we both stood in front of Mama Jane and our pups. I heard a chuck coming from our side, we turned out heads then gasped.

"Looks like our sl*ts have been around" Beta Greg sneered. Allen yelp in pain as I see Alpha Riley roughly pulled on his tail. I bite Beta Greg's hand then charge at Alpha Riley until he moved then kicked my legs.

"Let them go!" yelled Mama Jane

"Don't you dare touch her" I growled at the rogues approaching Mama Jane and our pups.

"You're ours and always will be" Beta Grey sneered. Alpha Riley hit Allens head knocking him cold out, I growled at Alpha Riley for hurting my brother but as I was about to charge something hard hit my head making darkness consume me. All I heard was more screams and cries from our pups and Mama Jane, I failed them and I failed our mate because we bought Alpha Riley and Beta Grey to them, it's our fault.

The Omega's (Manx2|Werewolf|Mpreg) Omega Series: BOOK ONEWhere stories live. Discover now