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Fifteen years later ....

"Mom! Owen called me stupid!" yelled Mia. I sighed and went into the living room seeing Owen putting his damn feet on the coffee table yet again.

"Owen get your feet off the table and stop calling your sister stupid" I growled

"Well it's not my fault, she won't shut the hell up" he replied. I sighed, this boy never learns, he's gonna be the future Alpha once he turns 21. His Alpha trains takes time and Miles is making sure he's ready.

"You're 20 pup no need to act like your five so grow up and stop bullying your sister" I said. I looked outside seeing Abby and Oscar playing soccer together, bless their hearts. Since Owen is going to be Alpha, Abby will be his Beta and together they'll run this pack. It'll interesting how it'll turn our since they don't see eye to eye.

"Max can you help set the table?" asked Allen. I grab the plates and place them around the table. Today is Mama Jane's birthday, just last year she passed away. It broke us all even Miles, he took it hard knowing his mother is no longer with us, we loved her so much and I'm her she had a loving life. Allen is pregnant we all know he's having baby girl and he'll be naming her Jane after Mama Jane.

"Guys dinner ready!" I yelled.

"Hey move!" yelled Oscar, Mia glared at him and she shoved him to the side and sat down on the seat. They never learn, I roll my eyes and began to tell them off until our big handsome mate comes through the door.

"Hey! behave otherwise you's won't be having dinner" he said. Everyone went silent and continue eating dinner.

"Hey babe" said Miles. I blushed as he kissed my lips, everyone groaned and looked away.

"Babe you want gravy?" asked Allen

"Baby what did I tell you, stop walking around. Our pup is gonna be due soon and I don't want you bending down or helping out" said Miles. Allen rolled his eyes.

"Miles just because I'm pregnant doesn't make me useless, now do you want gravy or not" he replied

"With gravy" he said. I couldn't help but laugh, Max and I always have the last say and Miles cannot say anything back. It's nice to see everyone together like on big happy family. Allen and I had horrible past but we're happy we've found our true mate, Miles gave us everything. He proved we aren't dirty nor worthless, he proved his loved and cherished us both. He accepted our pups as his own and now our family grew and soon there'll be more pups to come.

"I love you" I told him

"Love you babe" said Allen

"Love you dad!" said our kids

"Love you all" he replied. Yes, one big happy family.

The Omega's (Manx2|Werewolf|Mpreg) Omega Series: BOOK ONEWhere stories live. Discover now