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I woke up feeling ill. It was probably because of how shitty I slept. I looked over towards my alarm clock and squinted my eyes at it before my eyes grew seeing the clock say 7:15 am. I'm late! My alarm didn't go off! Nick didn't wake me up! I jumped out of bed and quickly ran into my bathroom, but instead of brushing my teeth I felt my stomach turn and I instantly leaned over my toilet.. Yup. You can picture what happens next.

Mom was walking by my room when she heard the violent hurls coming from my room, next thing I knew she was rushing in.

"Oh dear, sweetie! I didn't even know you were home, are you okay?!"

Yes. I'm perfectly fine, you know.. Just hunched over my toilet, dry heaving.. I didn't say anything, because well.. I couldn't.

"I'll get you some water hold on." She quickly made her way out of my room and into the hallway. I finally quit and I heard voices. One was moms.. but I didn't recognize the other.. I pushed up to my feet and flushed the toilet, moving over to stand by the door way. I leaned in a little to listen..

"No you can't stay. I thought they were both gone, but only Nick is gone. Addison is still here, and she's ill. You have to go, Adam."
Adam? Who's Adam?

"We had plans today though, Kelly. Just let me wait it out, she still has to go to school right? Isn't it close to being her last week or something?"

"No, you have to go now. My daughter is sick and she needs me. Go. I can't do this."

I peeked my head around the corner and watched as my mom shoved the tall man towards the stairs and turn back to come into my room. I moved quickly to hover back over the toilet, coughing into it. I felt her hand on my back and I sighed, moving to lean against my bath tub.

"We need to get you into bed come on."

She helped me up and handed me my water, helping me into my room and into my bed. She put a washcloth on my head and I could hear my phone buzzing like crazy. I reached over and grabbed it, squinting at the screen to see Jonah's name. I sighed and answered it.


"Addison! There you are! I've been texting and calling all morning, are you alright love? Your brother and Carissa have informed me that they haven't heard from you either. And I was wo-"

I cut him off because if I wouldn't have, he'd never stop talking.

"I'm fine, Jonah. I'm ill. I woke up late, and when I finally did wake up, well I'll spare you the details."

"Oh, ew. Thank you for sparring me that. Do you need anything? I can come by after school or maybe have my mom drop something off now if you can't wait till then or ma-"


"I'm fine, Jonah.. Really. My mom is home and is oddly enough taking care of me. Just.. If you see Nick tell him to bring m.. Nevermind I'll call him. I'll talk to you later, Jonah."

Before I could really let him finish, I hung up. I wasn't in the mood for his babels today. I scrolled through my contacts until I found Nick's name, I clicked on it and brought it up to my ear.


That's not Nick. That's..

"Where's my brother?"

"Right here. But what's up? Why aren't you at school? Too cool for school, little Wheeler?"

Shut up, Tyson. I'm so not in the mood.

"Tyson please.. I'm not in the mood to deal with your shit, put Nick on.."

I started coughing, and didn't bother moving the phone. Ha, take that. Right in your ear.

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