Such a tiring day

48 0 0

18 July 2013


6:29 PM

weather: normal and the sky is getting dark

I'm so tired diary..
Wait. First of all, I wanna answer some of you guys concern about me. You guys asking why would I bother to called it "diary" instead of "journal". Especially girls on Twitter who tweeted me: "Boys write journals, not diary." I mean what's the big deal? I prefer to name it "diary" instead. I was writing all of my life experiences here and post several of pictures too. Sometimes, I would decorate it when I'm so bored. Like look at my masterpiece. I drew Thor and Loki from the Avengers. They're both my favorite and also I'm proud of it.

Enough of the journal stuff thingy. So, the band and I just finish discussing our singing part for the "Heartless". It's not really clear yet whether the part that we will sing fit each one of us since the music director is still working on progress with the beat that we wanted which would be finished by tomorrow. Hopefully.

Cole will be staying in the studio for a night since he's our perfectionist. He didn't want to have any mistakes at all in our music. He want to make sure it was exactly what we all agree with. Once they're done with it, Cole would do group call on Skype to make sure we all listen to the music. If there are something that need to be changes from one of us, then the music director will change it immediately and decide whether it's actually good or bad idea to change.

It felt as if there's still something missing in the music. I can feel it. I told Cole that I'll add in some of piano beat and send it to him later. I just need some time to think of it. I can't really think of it now since I'm so hungry. My stomach even keep on making sounds since I've not eaten lunch yet.

I decided to go to Chipotle by walking which took me around 8 minutes from my home. Chipotle is love, Chipotle is life. (copyright from Shrek) Who hates Chipotle anyway? It's like the food that I was born for. I never get tired of it especially the chicken salsa taco sauce. I love the sweetness, the spiciness of the sauce as well as the crispy chicken. It's all perfect combination as all of it gathered as one. (writing this makes me hungry)

I'll just record the piano beat after this. Just wanna let you know, I'm still eating the chicken salsa taco sauce right now. Sorry diary. I have to cheat on you over the Chipotle.

Goodbye Diary, see you tomorrow.

Will Jay Behlendorf ♡

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⏰ Last updated: May 07, 2015 ⏰

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