#10: Happy Together?

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I can't take my mind off him. He's been really good to me; even throughout the crippling stressful time leading up to his final exams.

It's been weeks and, for starters, everything went back to how it was before. Well, close enough. I don't know if he could tell but his usual friendly gestures  - him touching my shoulder or patting my head just randomly - have become some sort of love language to me.

Every smile he gives or wink he sends, every time he walks into the rehearsal room , for crying out loud ! ; it makes me blush manically and my stomach plumet deep to the deepest depths of my soul.

He even hugs me sometimes...and Oh lord those hugs! Although he always makes sure we are alone when he does, they really aren't just any old hugs; they are long and sustained, in which I can feel every part of his body that touches mine , from the rising and falling if his chest , to the humane warmth of his embrace to the deeply comforting yet intoxicating smell of his cologne.

The silent whispers of sweet nothingness exchanged are always ones of care and endearment... though, at times, I wish they were more than that. Either way it still gets me weak at the knees, giddy to the point I'm doped up for the rest of the day.

I have missed him immensely during his exam period, even rehearsals for the production had to be halted a couple of weeks back and about a quarter of the cast were doing exams in the weeks following. We have the script down, anyways and so all we need to do is perfect the dress rehearsals. We are practically finished a month early due the exams.

I don't know what to call the relationship between us. Jeff and I. I haven't told anyone about it yet, heck, I haven't even disgusted with Jeff himself what this really is. What we really are. I know he feels it too...or at least I hope he does. I guess that's not the way hoping works, though... it's just to feel it. Yeah.

Never mind that, though, right now, I'm just excited to see Jeff as the Seniors leave their exams. So here I sit on the bench table outside the exam hall, eating whilst my friends multitask between speaking, working on the computers, portfolios and looking over notes.

I feel they can also tell I have something going on with Jeff simply from the way I look at him. I don't think I can tell them yet , though, I will wait for the right time.

Minutes later, Jeff leaves the exam room for his English exam alongside Creamy. He waves at me and I wave back, Creamy then also waving back at me.

They both seem happy with themselves. That's all I need to know to have my day complete.

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