#13: Confession

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Cheers break out as the Seniors throw their hats up in the azure summer sky with unfiltered happiness and pride.

I feel that pride and joy from Creamy, Jeff and all their friends. A dutiful feeling of needing to congratulate them further took me over as I proceeded to cheer for them alongside hundreds of other family, friends, parents and carers who were also watching the ceremony. Soon enough the jovial cheers died down as they went back to collect their hats, yet the feeling of happiness still differed through the air.

At the reception the only emotion was happiness. Not everyone who graduated that day went to it but a large majority did. There was one of the school's bands playing and performing for background music.

The drinks were mainly non- alcoholic, though the alcoholic drinks were being served to students and parents by someone who could tell if they were of age. The mere sight of it sent a reflexive feeling of fear through my body, causing me to physically relive the same feeling of embarrassment I felt when I had no clue what I had said to Jeff that night.

I shared conversations with Creamy and the rest of her friends as well as one of friends' siblings who was also graduating with Creamy.

But my mind always resets back on  Jeff. In fact, I've been thinking a lot about him lately. I don't know how I'm going to tell him, but I want to confess. It's strange how in all that madness , none of us got to confess to the other. The tension between us is something I don't think anyone would want to end their time in education on. Whether or not he likes me back is something I am ready to consider and accept.

"Were you toying with me all those times you touched me ... kissed me, smiling at me as if you didn't know how much my heart couldn't take it?" Would have been my question for him weeks ago, but now? Now I just want to inform him of my love for him, how much I appreciated every piece of attention he gave me throughout the year, thank him, then wish him a long life of success and fulfilment. That's all I want.

But as the day grew later and later into the afternoon, people either began to leave or mess about with siblings or their friends for the last time in a university setting. Some cleared up their things, since there was less than an hour until the very end of the reception.

By now,  most parents and younger siblings that were 16 or younger at least were persuaded out around 3 hours in; whenever the drink got brought out. And so there were minimal students who were currently sitting about or dancing or talking. This includinging Jeff and Creamy.

I had spoken to Jeff once today but it was a vague congratulations mix with an offering of a drink. No where near to my planned confession.

A tap on my shoulder woke me out of the trance I hadn't realised I was in. Nor did I realise that I must have been staring right in their direction for quite a while, but an oddly inquisitive look my friend, Porscha , gave me once I startled into paying her attention said it all.

Her and the others decided we should go on a walk round the reception venue. We talk about summer plans and work, upcoming opportunities they are looking to take on , travel; All the good stuff.

And so we took a few laps walking around the reception hall whilst we chatted. It was around 30 minutes after we had gotten up that we noticed Jeff getting on the stage.

The music band it's still present but had gone on a momentary break for them as they were changing songs to their last set list. Once Jeff stepped on the stage he was met by vast cheers , receiving a wave of support. Someone handed him an acoustic guitar.

That second, me and my friends stopped in our tracks and gathered around the stage alongside the scarce amount of graduates and students left in the hall.

Short story: An Ode to Who? - JeffcodeWhere stories live. Discover now