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(Jenns pov)
I wake up wrapped in thick white sheets and my head is pounding making me groan

"Morning Princess" I hear a deep voice from across the room giving me a fright and then I realise it's Niko

"Morning niko" I mumble back making him laugh

"Sore head?" He asks as he gets up from the sofa and sits on the side of the bed

"You don't even understand" I tell him

"Can't say I'm not surprised" he chuckles as he hands me a glass of water and a paracetamol

"Thanks," I reply and then take the tablet "was I bad last night?" I ask hesitantly

"Nah you weren't too bad you just couldn't walk or remember your room number so I brought you here but you didn't do anything out of order" he tells me as I rest my head against his chest and decide to check social media and as always after a night out my mentions and likes are crazy. I click through Talias stories and see some cute pictures of us so I repost them on my story and then there's a video of me grinding on her and laughing making Niko laugh from behind me as I groan

"The fab edits will be all over that" I tell him and I repost a couple of other pictures from other stories and that's when I go on to Tik tok to see people making loads of edits using so many of the videos of me, Talia and freya dancing together and then I scroll to the next video and it's a girl talking

"JenniferRae Bella has a boyfriend?" She questions and then shows a picture of niko with his hands on my hips

"We've been caught" niko says but no one knows it's him

"Shh you" I tell him and keep scrolling through social media to see more videos of people guessing who I was with and 'JenniferRae Bella boyfriend' trending

"You going to say anything?" Niko asks as he takes a stand of my hair and twirls it around his finger

"I don't know I might keep teasing them and keep them guessing" I tell him

"You're evil" he says as he laughs and points at me

"So are you Mr. dressed up in a print bottle to sneak into the fight" I reply making him shrug his shoulders

"Going to be a sick video" he tells me

"How did you even get away with it?" I ask as I rest my chin on his chest to meet his eyes

"I paid off a YouTuber to make a video claiming he'd been a fan of JJ for years and he had been making this prime bottle for months and it would be his dream to meet KSI and walk out to the ring with him and luckily Logan Paul retweeted it and most of the sidemen reacted to it so JJs management team got in touch with him and we had a walk through this morning where the other guy was in the bottle and before the actual show I snuck in and took his place" he explains

"Your mind works differently oh my god!" I say and then I'm interrupted by a call from Faith who's Ethan's mrs

"Jenn, Jenn I need you right now" she groans down the phone panicking

"What's wrong? is it the baby?" I ask as I shove my shoes on messily throwing the laces over eachother in an attempt to tie them

"Yeah I think my waters broke" she says as she lets out a scream

"Okay I'm coming" I tell her throwing on a jacket which is definitely nikos since the sleeves are dangling way past my hands

"Please be quick" she begs and I run out the door and I know she's on the second floor so throw myself down the stairs and barge into her door where a panic struck Ethan is and a rather sweaty out of breath Faith is

"I got you" I tell her as I grab her hand which she squeezes digging her nails into while I pick up her hospital back which she had packed a couple of weeks prior

"We ready?" Ethan asks and I nod as we both help her up and get her into the car on the way down I handed over their hotel room keys to the reception and carefully drove to the hospital while Faith was screaming, her hair stuck to her head with sweat, tears streaming down her face

"You've got this F you're doing amazing we are almost there" I tell her as I pull into the car park at the hospital. Ethan and I quickly get her out the car and make our way inside where we meet a nurse who takes the couple through and I'm left in the waiting room wearing only Nikos T-shirt, jacket, a pair of Nike pro shorts and Nike air forces that have been tied tragically. I quickly tie them better and zip up the jacket as I am freezing once I'm done I pull my phone out of my pocket 

Talia x
You okay xx

Yeh everything is good Faiths water broke so at the hospital rn xx

Talia x
Keep me undated and you didn't go back to your room last night where were you? ;)) xx

Will do and shh you was in Nikos room apparently I was too drunk to know where my own room was xx

Talia xx
Aw jenn you're a mess glad he took care of you xx

He's a gem xx

And then I realise I'll need to text niko to explain why I just rushed out

Hi Niko sorry I just rushed out Faiths water broke so I'm at the hospital x

Niko x
Don't worry thought that grabbed your stuff from your room and handed your key over the reception so I'll bring your stuff over to you when you're free x

Thanks niko x

I reply and then put my phone down and a couple of hours later I'm allowed to go in and see the couple and their little baby girl. I walk in to see them cuddled together with the baby in their arms so I take a sneaky picture that I'll send them later

"Hey guys mind if I come in?" I ask quietly

"No course not come in" Ethan says and I sit on the chair next to the bed and admire them and finally see the baby

"She's gorgeous Faith" I aww I see her little face for the first time

"Thanks Jenn for everything couldn't have done it without you" a tired faith says

"Don't worry you've done amazing Faith" I tell her proudly

"Would you like to hold her?" Ethan asks

"If you don't mind," I say and he gently places her in my arms "Aww F she's perfect" I coo with tears in my eyes

"She is" Ethan agrees with such pride

"That's auntie Jenn" faith smiles

"Has she got a name?" I ask the couple

"Olive ottillie Payne" faith tells me

"That's gorgeous," I tell them "just like you, you beautiful girl" I coo at the little angel in my arms and after a while I head home with such pride two of my best friends have introduced a gorgeous little baby into the world and they are going to be amazing parents.

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