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(Nikos pov)
I wake up on my sofa and that's when I remember last night. The club, the girl. Jesus Christ, my head pounds at the thought of me trying to get her out of my house and having to deal with the boys' reactions.

I sluggishly walk up the stairs and met with a laughing Kenny

"Better check up of your bird" he says laughing

"Don't even man," I groan as I walk past and open my door slower than I ever have when I walk in I see her on her knees on my bed posing in the mirror taking selfies in my top making me cringe "wow" I say startling her

"Oh, hey" she says all flustered

"Time for you to head home I think" I tell her and her face drops

"No, no, no it's a bit early don't you think? You not even going to treat me to a breakfast date?" She asks while stroking my arm

"Nah not today" I brush her off

"But soon yeah?" She looks up at me her mascara and makeup smeared everywhere

"Yeah maybe let's go" I say and she trails behind me heels in hand and I order her an Uber and send her on her way once she's gone I drop down onto the sofa, head in hands

"What've you done man?" Sharkey asks holding back a laugh

"Don't even man" I plead

"Bro!" Chunkz interrupts banging the door off the wall as he rushes in

"What now?" I ask rubbing my temples

"You're in deep!" He exaggerates

"I'm aware" I groan

"Nah this has gone from bad to worse" he says

"Don't even tell me" I beg

"I think I need to bro" he tells me

"What's it now?" Sharkey asks

"I've been tagged non stop of this girl posing in her underwear and your T-shirt in your bed, it's all over her story with eye and heart emojis" Chunkz says and I groan throwing my head to the ground and rubbing my hands all over my face

"Fuck" I groan

"Shit" sharkey mutters

"What do I do?" I ask them

"You could ask her to take it down" Chunkz suggests

"It's up now it's all over Twitter" sharkey says as he scrolls through his phone

"Unfollow her insta and completely disassociate, don't take anything to do with her" Chunkz says and I pick up my phone open the Instagram app to see my mentions just going up and up. I move to the following tab and type in Jess, the blonde appears so I click unfollow and just turn my phone off I'm not prepared to see what everyone is posting

"Why don't we have a lads-" Kenny starts

"We are not going out tonight" I interrupt

"That's not what I was going to say," he defends throwing his hands up in surrender "I was going to suggest we just go out for some lunch or something" he says and us boys just look at each other

"Yeah I like the sound of that" Chunkz says and we all agree

"Nando's?" Sharkey asks

"Did I hear nandos?" Aj asks poking his ratty head through the door

"Yeah bro" Chunkz says

"I'm in" aj says and we all go and get ready before heading out

We get to nandos and order out food while we are sitting down a group of young girls who are no older than 13 keep looking over and chatting to themselves while looking so I imagine they are fans debating whether to come over and talk to us, after a few minutes they stand up and head towards the table

"Hi" a short girl with glasses and brown hair tied up says quite quietly

"Hey what's up?" Chunkz asks energetically

"Hey" the rest repeat

"How are we all going today?" Kenny asks

"We are good thanks how are you guys?" The slightly taller blonde-ish girl asks politely

"We are good" I reply

"Can we get a picture with you guys?" The tallest of the group asks

"Of course!" Chunkz says as we all stand up to take the picture

"Niko" the girl who started speaking first says

"Yeah?" I ask

"Is that love island girl your girlfriend?" She asks making the boys laugh

"No, we aren't a thing she was just drunk so I took her home with us" I tell them

"But she slept in your bed and in your clothes!" The blonde girl argues

"Yeah she didn't want to sleep in her dress so I gave her my T-shirt and I slept on the sofa I didn't want to come across rude and just tell her to sleep on the sofa" I tell them and Chunkz can see I'm getting frustrated at the thought of her

"Right guys it's been lovely meeting you and we will see you later" he says

"Yeah thanks guys" the girls say and head back to their table

"Can't escape it" I say to the boys making them laugh

A while later we head back home and film a mafia video for our channel and head to bed

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