The beginning

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My alarm rang. I remembered, it was the first day of school. I couldn't wait to see my friends! It has been 2 whole months.

I jumped out of bed, got ready and ate breakfast. I walked to school like how I usually would if my friend couldn't give me a ride that day. On my way to school, I imagined how it would be like this year. One of my best friends left school last year and moved away. My friendship with one of the most popular girls in my grade started to fade away too.. I use to be best friends with her, 'till she met other people and lost touch.

I got to school, it was 7:30, my classes starts at 8:00. So that gives me 30 minutes to find my friends.

"JESSICA!!!" I heard someone scream from behind me. When I turned around, It was one of my best friends Emma. She sprinted towards me and gave me such a big hug I almost fell over! "EMMA! OH MY GOD I MISSED YOU SO MUCH!!" I screamed so loudly the hallway because silent.

"Im in all of your classes!! Except for Biology." said Emma.

Emma and I were walking through the halls looking for our classes.. As we stroll by so many lockers.. There I saw, it was "him". I've had a crush on him since I was 12.. I know its a long time but I just cant control it no matter how much I dont want to like him. 

"There he is." someone form behind whispered. I smiled and turned around, it was Hannah, she was always the fun type who liked to make fun of people but not offensively. I've known her since I was 3, we are practically sisters.

All 3 of us started to walk together and talk about our summer. "How was LA?" said Hannah. "I think I'm in love with LA.. HAHAHHAHAH It was awesome" I replied.

"Well, look" Emma pointed towards the end of the hall. It was Victoria, Michael (Mike for short) and William (Will). They are my closest friends. As soon as there eyes matched mine, they literally were running towards me, Han, and Em. 

"Oh my god! I've missed you so much"  they all said together in a blur. "Hahah, well I've missed you guys so much too!" I said.

Suddenly, the school bell interupted us. It was time to get to class. "Hey I have English first period, what about you guys?" I asked wanting them all to say ME TOO.

"I have english with you!" Said Emma and Will. "I have science" said Hannah. "And me? I have math. UGH." Mike said in a dissapointing tone.

"Well, see you guys at lunch ok?"

"Sure! See you" Mike and Hannah replied. 

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