His Name Is....

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I opened the car door and flopped on to the seat.

"OH MY GOD! YOU WOULD NEVER GUESSED WHAT HAPPENED TODAY AFTER PE CLASS!!! He helped me with my binder" I said with a really big smile on my face and practically screaming in Hannah's and Emma's ear.

"Ok Ok! Calm Down Jess!! Who is this mysterious guy anyways?" Emma said in a suspicious tone.

"HAHA I know who THE GUY is" Hannah said with a Mischievous smile on her face.

"Well I just moved here last year and you barely talk about him so HOW AM I SUPPOSE TO KNOW!?!?" Emma said sarcastically then bursted out in to laughter.

"Chris. His name is Chris." I said.



The first 3 chapters of "Something Called I Love You" is basically the background of the main story that I am going to start in the 4th chapter. It might not sound so interesting now, but trust me there would be so much twist and turns. So stay tuned and keep reading. :) Thankyouu

- Jessica

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