First Sight

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It was lunch, since I had English with Emma I went to lunch with her. We got our food and picked the table in the middle.

"Hey guys!" said Hannah. Will and Mike was with her. Well, Hannah and Mike are dating, on the other hand, Will was Mike's best guy friend. So I guess it wouldn't be weird for them to always be together.

They sat down with their lunches. "Oh my god, did you hear about the new PE teacher?  I heard that he was pretty hot." Hannah said in a goofy tone and started laughing.

I wasn't really Paying attention, I spent half of my lunch time looking around the room... I was trying to convince myself I wasnt trying to find "him", but deep down inside, I knew that I was invisible to him. He was the kind of guy who was great at everything, the only problem is that nobody knows who he likes or what his type was.

"Snap out of it!" Mike caught me staring at him. "Well Im sorry!" I said sarcastically and smiled to myself. 

The rest of my day pretty much went normally until the last period. I had PE, and then I realized he was in my class.

I had to admit the teacher was pretty hot, his name was Mr.Jones. But, he was also dragging on and on about what we were going to learn this year and all of his expectations. So I kinda zoned out and was day dreaming. But 5 minutes later, I found myself staring at "him", and when I did, Mr.Jones' words just crumbled up in my head like it was all a blur. PE was always my favorite subject after the first class when we have went over everything. 

"Jessica!"  he said in a very firm voice. "Can you please summerize what I just said?"

"Uhmm... Uhm.." My voice was shaking

Mike jump in a save me, he summerized everything Mr. Jones said. 

"Thankyou JESSICA" Mr. Jones said sarcastically.

The class chuckles and then Mr. Jones went on...


"Finally, this class is over! I cant wait 'till next class where we get to play touch! (rugby)" I said to Mike while I was  packing my stuff up as quickly as I could so I could ask Emma for a ride.

 I was "fast walking" back to my locker when suddenly my binder slipped and fell on the floor. I was holding so much stuff I couldn't even bend down!

"Here, I'll get it for you"

"Thankyou" I said.

I looked up and was completely surprised. It was him. 

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