Chapter 1

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kelly is a teacher she is about to found out her daughter kiyah was raped by her teacher.

Pov Kelly
I am at work right now and my daughter teacher called me and told me that my daughter passed out.
Kelly: hello
Ms. Lauren:hey I am looking for kiyah mom
Kelly: this is she
Ms. Lauren: ok I am calling telling you that your daughter kiyah passed out.
Kelly: omg gosh where she is at right now.
Ms. Lauren: she is at the nurse office
Kelly: okay I will be there in a minute I have to call somebody to cover my classes.
Ms. Lauren: ok I will cover classes.
Kelly:ok thank you
Ms. Lauren: your welcome
Kelly: Please excuse me, I'm looking for Nurse Johnson.
Nurse Johnson: This is her
Kelly: It is my daugter Kiyah I am looking for.
Nurse Johnson: she is right here but before I bring out here you need to aware of something.
Kelly: ok what is wrong
Nurse Johnson: are you aware of your daughter being pregnant.
Kelly: no I am not aware of that but I am  going to take care of it.
Nurse Johnson: okay thank you I am going to bring out her now.
Kelly: ok
Kiyah pov
I hope the nurse doesn't tell my mom about me being be pregnant.
Kiyah: hey mom
Kelly: hey baby girl do you have anything said to me.
Kiyah: yes I do mommy
Kelly: what is it sweetheart
Kiyah: I am pregnant mommy
Kelly: I am in shock right now
Kiyah: I am sorry
Kelly: that okay I am going to take you to doctor today.
Kiyah: ok mommy
Kelly: you are going to meet one of other aunt.
Kiyah: who is it mommy
Kelly: is it surprised sweetheart.
Kiyah: ok mommy
To be continued

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