chapter 5

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Blue is about to tell her mom that she is pregnant and she is scared to tell her.
Blue pov
I am about to tell my mom that I am pregnant.
Kelly: Blue are you ready tell your mom that your pregnant.
Blue: Yes but I am scared to tell my mom I am pregnant.
Kelly: don't be scared we got your back I cared about you like a daughter.
Blue: Thank you I wish your other momma because my father raped me.
Kelly: repeat that I know you didn't said that your father raped you. And I love your mother but don't told her yet.
Blue: Ok can I call you momma.
Kelly: Sure sweetheart and your mom is here.
Beyonce pov
Blue have to tell me something important and I tell Kelly I am in love with her.
Blue: hey mommy
Beyonce: Hey sweetheart what do you need to tell me.
Blue: I am pregnant and I was raped by my father.
Beyonce: Why didn't you tell me sweetheart.
Blue: I was scared tell you that I was raped and pregnant.
Beyonce:Don't ever be scared to tell me anything but I want to talk to you about something.
Blue: what do you need talk to me about
Beyonce: I am in love with Aunt kelly I want to married her do you have problem with that.
Blue: I don't have problem with it.
Beyonce: ok good I am going to tell her that today and I got the ring with me.
Kelly: hey Beyonce
Beyonce: hey I have something to say to you.
Kelly: What is it
Beyonce: I am in love with you and I want you in my life and blue and i want to be that mother to your children I am trying to Will you  marry me?
Kelly: yes I will married you and I am in love with you too.
Beyonce: I love you babe
Kelly: love you to babe are you ready to tell the kids that we are getting married.
Beyonce: Yes I am ready
Kelly: kids come here
Kiyah: yes mommy
Kelly: Me and your aunt beyonce is in relationship and we are getting married.
Kiyah: cool I have two moms and I am exicted that I have support durning my pregnancy.
Blue: I am exicted too because I need siblings and I need support durning my pregnancy.
Kelly: baby will you move in with me.
Beyonce: yes Baby
to be coutine 

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