Chapter 2

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Kelly just found out that her adopted daughter is pregnant and she is in shock. Kiyah have to tell her mom that she was raped.

Kelly pov
I am on my way doctors with my daughter.
Kelly: sweetheart are you okay
Kiyah: No mommy I am not ok
Kelly: what wrong sweetheart
Kiyah: umm mommy I was raped by my teacher.
Kelly: omg gosh sweetheart why didn't tell me your was raped.
Kiyah: I was scared mommy to tell you I was raped.
Kelly: Ok sweetheart I am going to ask you questions when get a doctor office and I aslo have surprise for you.
Kiyah: ok mommy what is surprised.
Kelly:  Ok you going meet your auntie Beyonce.
Kiyah: omg gosh are serious mommy.
Kelly: yes baby girl I am serious.
Kiyah: I can't wait to meet her.
Kelly: sweetheart you have a little brother name Titan from my previous marriage.
Kiyah: omg gosh I can't believe I have a little brother and how old is he.
Kelly: he is is 6 years old and your going to meet him today because I am getting custody of him.
Kiyah: I can't wait to meet and mommy I have a little sister name Serenity.
Kelly: omg gosh where is she at.
Kiyah:  At a foster home I missed her some much and mommy can you adopted her for me.
Kelly: Sure sweetheart I will adopted her and we are here.
Kiyah: ok thank you
Kelly: I am checking in my daughter Kiyah Rowland with Beyonce Knowles.
Nurse London: Ok she is check in you go in.

Beyonce pov
I am about meet my niece Kiyah for the first time.
Kelly: Hey Beyonce this is you niece Kiyah.
Beyonce: hey niece
Kiyah: hey auntie
Beyonce: I am going to be your doctor for the rest of your pregnancy and I also have a daughter your age.
Kiyah: ok cool can I meet her someday
Beyonce: sure sweetheart how about today
Kiyah:sure auntie
Beyonce: I am going to check you now
Kiyah: Okay auntie.
to be contiune

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