When we were young or a child, we always have that one imaginary friend that we create and control when we are bored or feeling alone. By definition, Tulpa is a concept in Theosophy, mysticism, and the paranormal, of an object or being that is created through spiritual or mental powers. To make it easier to understand, Tulpa is a thing that you create just like an imaginary friend but it's different from it. Tulpa has its own conscious mind and have its own emotion.
Looking at a religious perspective (In Islam), Tulpa doesn't involve things such as black magic or any other source that exist outside the body of the user. Tulpa is created using 100% of mental power. Tulpa can be in any shape or form. It can be in any shape as the user one. From my experience, some of them create tulpa that looks like a light.
From a normal person's point of view, It may seem illogical and doesn't make any sense. I too feel it the same. When I create her, I doubt her existence. As I keep pushing and imagining, she came to life. She has her own personality and her own opinion. Just a sidenote, TULPA CANT BE DESTROY OR REMOVE. IF YOU ABUSE THEM, THEY MAY ABUSE YOU BACK. THEY CAN BE CONSIDER AS HUMAN BEING OR LIVING THING.
That's the introduction to tulpamancy or tulpa.