Chapter 9: Searching

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~Blue's Pov~

"Dream for the last time, you cannot go on that path with the team, you will either get in the way or get hurt!" "Fuck you, you told me that you found someone on that path, that is linked to my brother, if my brother is someone in that forest then I want to be there to see him!" I sighed.

As of right now I was standing at the edge of the forest, waiting for Dream to leave. "Look I can't let you come, I will be in trouble, if we find something or someone you will be the first to know, ok?" He looked at me, his eyes were hurt, he wanted his brother home, you could tell. "Give me a walkie talkie or your number, if I have that then I really will be the first to know." I was agitated enough already, him constantly pushing wasn't helping but it would keep him here, safe.

"I can't give you a walkie talkie but I can give you the second best thing. You know Ink, he's in charge, stay near him, I'll talk to you through him." "Fine."

I finally got him to leave, which means I can do my job. Me and a few other members went into the forest, before someone had left place markers to point in the direction where the trail was. We were walking for maybe an half hour before we came across a cottage? Looked like a fairy cottage with all the overgrown leaves, a little dark though, maybe goblin was a better description. "Alright, I want the entire place surrounded, we're going in through the front door, get going!"

Everyone quickly followed my orders and got in their positions. I was at the front door, gun in hand, I knocked. "This is the police, the building is surrounded, come out now or we will go in!" No response. I nodded towards one of my co-workers, they kicked the door down and everyone ran in checking rooms, shouting 'clear' after every room. The room with the most information was the basement, it smelled like blood and looked even worse, it was a room of horror but a lot of DNA. "Get the forensic team in here, they're going to find a lot in this room." I went upstairs and began searching more thoroughly, as I was searching I began thinking. Dream was gonna be really upset, yes we could possibly have a lead, but that's not his brother, and worst of all I had to talk to him, not because he annoyed the ever living shot out of me but because I felt bad.

I reached towards my speaker and said: "Hello, is Dream Joku there?" Basically immediately I got a response. "Yes! I'm here, what's going on?!" "Ahem, sir can you please back up a little bit." "Right, sorry." I assume Dream grabbed Ink's speaker, which happens to be on his shoulder/chest. "Every room is empty? Every hiding spot?! Nothing?!" "There are no people, but we potentially found a lead." Dream just sighed. "F-fine, take your lead and find my brother." I didn't want to try to talk to him again, knowing it wouldn't make anything better.

~Time Skip~

The forensics arrived around an hour ago, they did a more thorough search of the place and found nothing, no fingerprints, no hair, or any form of real human or monster Dna, the only real thing they found was the blood in the basement matched Nightmare's blood, that confirmed quite a bit. Because there was no 'real' DNA I can assume that the people there were skeleton monsters, Nightmare was on a case to find and obtain the murderer, Killer. The blood confirmed it was Nightmare in this building, and based off of everything that has happened that led up to this it was clearly obvious that Killer had abducted and torchered Nightmare and somehow got Dust to help them get away. I was about to go to my car when I was called. "Sir! We found footprints, I recommend we follow them." I walked towards the forensics member who informed me and said: "Follow the tracks to wherever they are going, I'm going to visit someone who might have information, if you find anything important then you immediately tell me." "Yes sir!"

I quickly went to my truck, speeding away, I needed to have a quick 'visit' with a prisoner. The minute I arrived at the prison I barged in and went to the interrogation room, the secretary didn't question anything and went to get the prison she already knew I needed. Low and behold a forensics officer came in with Dust.

"Didn't think I'd see you again this early, sweetheart." I just chuckled, the officer locked his handcuffs to the desk. He sat down and got settled, for a moment we just kinda stared at each other, admittedly I looked like a mess, I had nothing on except for my white button-down shirt and blue uniform pants, if I had hair then it'd be messed up. "Dust, I know about the house, whoever was there you called them and got them out, so you're gonna tell me where they are and who you sent away. Right now." "Straight to the point huh?" I just sighed and stared. "I did nothing. Whoever you're looking for left on their own." "Really? They conveniently left right when you were obtained, we had located them and were ready to obtain them. It would benefit you if you told me the truth."

~Nightmare's Pov~

Slowly I opened my eyes, the first thing I saw was the sun through a window, I was comfortable. Surprisingly, I remember sleeping on the couch so someone moved me. I rolled over, sat up and... standing there was Killer. "Fuck sorry!!" I turned away, Killer was standing there in black ripped jeans, without a shirt. "Pft your acting like you've never seen someones bones before. You're allowed to look." Slowly I looked back. I looked at him carefully, he was a little taller than me, very fit, like he could throw me out a window fit, there was only one 'problem' I subconsciously got out of the bed and walked up to him, I could tell he was confused but he just faced me and watched. I trailed my fingers across his ribcage, he has permanent scars and large bruises all over. "Isn't this painful?" "You get used to it after a while." I simply kept focus on his ribs, trailing my fingers over, tracing out any marks, it was kinda hypnotising. I snapped back to reality and began to walk out.

I tried to walk out but he grabbed me. "Don't leave." I was confused. "What? Why?" We were both being quiet, I discovered the walls were pretty thin. "Just don't leave, I want to feel just a little longer." This confused me further. "I-I don't understand." He breathed deeply, before replying. "You make me feel something that I've never felt before, and when you leave it's gone, I just want it a little longer." He still had his grip on my arm, I pulled him towards the bed, motioning him to sit on the edge, he did as he was told and I went behind him. "What are you doing?" "Healing your scars, some of them are infected you can tell." He turned around and let me use my magic, the scars would still be visible but less sore, the infections would also be healed.

It was a calming silence for a little bit before he asked. "Do you understand emotions?" "I thought I did, but that was years ago, now I have no idea." He nodded slightly. "What made you lose the knowledge?" "It's confusing but let's just say I cared for people that couldn't or didn't care for me." He stood up and faced me, I admit I was upset I hated talking about my past. "He brought his hands up to my face, cupping my cheeks, I blinked letting a tear fall. Killer quickly wiped it away. "I'm sorry." "For what?" "You're upset, I shouldn't have asked." He let me go and sat beside me. "I really wish I knew what I'm feeling, it would make this easier." I was going to respond when there was a knock. "Yeah?" It was Lust. "Me and Horror are going out, grocery store, want anything?" "No, we're good." He closed the door and left. Again silence. It was like this for maybe 30 minutes.

"I think I know-" A knock, a loud one. "Police open the door, or we will break in!" Killer looked at me. "Grab a shirt, now." He quickly ran and got a shirt and a bag, I assume a survival one. He grabbed my arm and dragged me to the window. "The roof, you can run and jump, we'll be fine." "I'm not going, my brother, remember?" He went into his bag and pulled out a needle with some liquid in it. "This will knock you out, when you're down I'll leave." That's all I remember before everything turned black.

Word count: 1523

Make sure you drink water and eat something!! Byee!

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