In another location of the planet, Shear...
At the waters of a certain place for a tutorial, the new semi-aquatic, bear-like monster rose from the waters with injuries not fully healed. He made his way to a huge cave, where he was soon met with a Goliath, an Alpha Goliath that never died.
"Wynter! You're back," he said until he saw the damage the Björn known as Wynter had taken. "You're hurt. Come. We will get you healed up," he said as he walked over and pulled Wynter's left arm over his shoulder and walked him into the cave.
Wynter walked on all fours into a hot spring pool that contained healing properties that were leaked from the destruction of one of those medical rockets. The energy in the water along with the heat started to restore his wounds. Be it they also burned a little.
"What happened out there?" The Alpha Goliath asked.
"The Hunters... They have new recruits," Wynter started to explain.
"New Hunters? What did they look like?" He asked him.
"One was a Ty'gra. One was a Ba'tra. And the other two were Li'zardas," Wynter continued to explain.
"Mmmm... More anthro Hunters. If anything, that bug man should've been enough," he said begrudgingly.
"Just like the others you told me about, they too had weapons that benefitted them. The Ty'gra had shurikens and kunai daggers. The Ba'tra seemed to only have healed the Medic with a gun that shot out a red beam. The Medic was carrying a bow and a quiver of arrows and a grenade launcher that had healing properties as well. Sorta like that Caira girl you mentioned. And their Assault only had ONE gun, as it looked like she was carrying a katana to deal damage from up close and personal. Her one and only gun is the reason behind my wounds. It was shaped like a grenade launcher, and it had a scope like a sniper rifle. I couldn't beat them, and it looked like they couldn't beat me. I should've went to find more food and evolve; I would've been able to beat them, but they were too much," Wynter had finished explaining.
"Looks like the Hunt is on. We need more Monsters, and I heard a little birdie say that there were some eggs at the Weather Control Tower. So once you healed up, take Nova with you, and go and hatch our OWN new recruits," the Alpha Goliath ordered. "And please, try to survive," he said comfortingly as he left his fellow Monster to heal.
"Thank you... Master Draco," Wynter said as he dozed off into a nap, allowing the water to heal him.
Inside the Laurie Anne...
With the Hunters, Beta Squad were a little embarrassed for what happened back at the Distillery.
"I wish we killed that thing before it ran off," said an agitated Ellise.
"Don't get your hopes up, it was your first mission; not everyone will succeed in their first mission," Cabot started. "But go and take a break and let these four handle it for now," he finished.
The Hunters he assigned were Hank of the Supports, Caira of the Medics, Maggie and Daisy of the Trappers, and Parnell of the Assaults.
"Alright, let's move, Hunters," Cabot said.
"Hold on, Cabot sir, I think we need to bring Lucy along," Hank said.
"Ok: is there a good reason?" Cabot asked.
"Well, for starters, we need someone to help identify the new Monster on the field. As for the second reason, no disrespect to the others, but Lucy has dealt more damage even as an Assault. Those are my two reasons," Hank explained.
EVOLVE: The Story
AçãoAfter one of Princess Twilight Sparkle's experiments have failed, the Extreme Squad, along with the Mane6, and the Young6, have been teleported into a world pitting humans against monsters on a planet called "Shear." Half of the group are with the H...