Nothing But Screaming

498 7 39

Warning: The following program has been given the R Rating for Brutal Violence, Gore, Language, Sexual Content, and Drug/Alcohol Use.

Reader Discretion is Advised.


"WHAT???? WHAT?????"

"The phone's ringing! Go get it!"

Sometimes....Living with your step brother is a pain....Wallace was interesting to be around. But sometimes was annoying with the requests he had. So I respond to him,

"Why can't you????"

"I'm drying myself off!"

"You must pick the absolute perfect times to do nothing huh?????"

I roll my eyes while going downstairs and I hear the sound of the phone get louder. I just shrug a little while reaching the bottom of the stairs of this college rental house me and Wallace got earlier in the year.


"I'm coming. I'm coming. Heh....Coming...."


I stop the beeping by picking up the phone to see who was calling,


My eyes roll back before hitting the button to pick up the call as I say,



"Who is this?"

"I could you ask you the same thing...."

"No seriously who is this?"

"Ahh, well, I'm a middle aged man who has his car crashed down in the middle of nowhere."

"Nowhere? Do you not see anything out there?"

"Not yet no...I'm just trying to find my way out for now...."

"Have you tried calling the cops?"

"I tried but they didn't seem to pick up..."

"That's weird, usually they have a response for you."

"Well they didn't........"

"Hmmm.....Fascinating...Do you want me to call them for you?"

"That would be very kind of you but first....I must thank you for this....May I know your name?"

"Uhh.....I don't know if I should be telling you this information right now...I mean...I don't even know your name."

"Oops...Sorry...Just call me Dean then."

"Ok Dean........I'm Stella.....My name is Stella."

"Thank you Stella...You seem like a very helpful lady...."

I push some of my yellow locks away while saying,

"Well, I'm not a full fledged lady just yet, I'm still only 20."

"Ahh, I see. Are you in college or? Oh, shoot, you know, I'm sorry if th-."

"No no, it's fine. To be honest, yes I am in college."

"Huh....Then I hope you're doing well.....May I ask for your number?"

"Ha...Number? Why not use this one? Speaking of, how did you even get this number?"

"Uhh...That one I don't feel comfortable telling you."

The way the guy said that line made me feel a bit uncomfortable but I decided to hang up before it got weirder.

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