Scream And Shout

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Warning: This Story has been given the R-Rating for Brutal Violence, Gore, Strong Language, Sexual Content, and Drug and Alcohol Abuse.


"Another rando......"

"Again? Isn't that like the third one?"

Another phone call....Though instead of horror....Young Holly Brenigan was more annoyed by it.....Since several pranksters have called her and pretended to be the killer. Like saying that 'Aileen is still out there' or 'You're gonna get it' but eventually it got old and tiresome for her. So she just ignored the calls and only answered the ones she knew. The person next to her, Drew Leenia, was a friend she met after graduating from college and was now leaving the airport with her to take a taxi. As they were both there for an interview for a job.

"You think they'll be reasonable?"

"Everyone is reasonable nowadays. I think we'll be just ok."

"You sound very optimistic Holly."

"And you sound very sarcastic Drew."

The young man chuckled at that, admitting as he said it with the slightest bit of sarcasm. Yet, there they stood, still waiting for the taxi to drive by, but one never came. Even though Drew tried to signal for one, there never seemed to have one come by even in the middle of the day. Holly eventually gave up and pulled out her phone to check the time. 4:06, the interview started at 5:30.

"Fuck this let's just walk."

"You sure Holly? Could be a bit of a walk."

"I'm positive....Better than doing nothing at all."

"Fine....Then....I'll just follow you."

      Holly started walking along the sidewalk and using a gps to see where the interview will take place. She then looked back at the email she got from her "boss" saying it would be down Lylens, 407 was the address number.


"Lylens? I think it's the one down there."

"You know that?"

"I've been in North Safron before."

"You never told me that."

"It's something I did a long time ago."


Holly shrugged before continuing her walk while Drew followed her.

"You think we'll have enough time?"

"I think we'll manage Drew."

Drew, unlike Holly, was usually really paranoid about being late to pretty much anything, even when he and Holly would go to the movies together. He wants to make sure he gets there before the trailers start, since one time Holly forgot what time the movie started and ended up having them show up 5 minutes late.

"Maybe it would be for the best to speed up a little."

"You want me to run Drew?"

"No! I'm just saying that maybe a speed walk is probably better."

"You already walk fast as is. Even now, you are walking faster than me!"

      Despite Holly saying that to him, Drew did not stop walking. Yet they were reaching the end of the sidewalk and Drew sees the street sign that read,

"Lylens.....It's up ahead..."


As Drew walked forward, basically leaving Holly behind. The woman reaches her hand out but, felt her phone ring in her pocket. She looked at what the number was from, she saw it was from the "boss". It didn't say boss, but she recognized the number before, so she answers the phone expecting the rough male. But instead heard a soft spoken female,

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