chapter 1: devildom

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Narator/third POV



Meanwhile with izuku

Izuku open her eyes and wake up from her dead, he look around and he just see a shadow and a floor

Izuku: where am i? Did i already dead, if it true then im happy, but ... Where the fuck actually am i?!?

Izuku still questioning where he is until someone approach her

??? 1: hello izuku yagi

Izuku: w-who are you!? Please don't hurt me!!

??? 2: relax we not here to hurt or kill you

Izuku: o-oh a-and who are y-you guys?!

??? 1: well let us introduce ourself, my Name is lord diavolo the ruler of demon in the devildom

Izuku: devil ... Dom..?

Diavolo: *smile* yeah devildom it means hell

Izuku: what!! Im in hell!!

Diavolo: calm down izuku, just take a breath first and don't worry we very nice

Izuku take a breath for a while after that they back to the topic

Izuku: so im in hell now

Diavolo: yep, and the place that we in now is "the royal academy of diavolo" for short "RAD" and im the principal in this academy

Izuku: oh ... So why am i here?

Diavolo: well you here because we want to give you a power

Izuku: wait what!! B-but how?!

??? 2: well i will answers  that questions for you

Diavolo: izuku this is lucifer he is a demon and the avatar of pride, he's also the vice president of the student council and my right hand-man and beyond that, he's also my most trusted friend

Lucifer: flattery will get you nowhere, diavolo *look at izuku* and i offer you a most heartfelt welcome izuku, nice to meet you

Izuku: t-thank you, and nice to meet you ... And i have a questions *they look at him* why you guys give me your power?

Diavolo: well you see .. We've been watching you for so Long

Izuku: w-watching me?! What do you mean?

Diavolo: well we're watching you for a years now and we want to give you our power to make you more stronger

Izuku: s-stronger...

??? 3: yes so we decide to give our power and the power of seven deadly sin

Izuku: and who are you?

??? 3: im sorry looks like i forgot to introduce myself, my name is barbatos and im lord diavolo butler

Diavolo: so izuku would you want to take our power

Izuku: but what if you guys don't have your power anymore?

Lucifer: don't worry izuku, our power will still in our body and soul

Izuku start to think about it and she agreed because she dosen't want to come back to the yagis

Izuku: alright i take it

Diavolo: alright then, welcome to devildom izuku and now youre officially a new student in "RAD"

izuku the new avatar - mha x obey me (neglected Izuku Yagi) rewriteWhere stories live. Discover now