chapter 2: a confession

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Narator/third POV



Years later

It's already a very long years since izuku dead and now she became more stronger than ever

She now have a lot of new friend in devildom and have her own (all izuku squad friend in the page call "izuku new friend")

And there's a exchange student from the celestial realm/heaven and human world they're name is solomon, simeon and luke with a new student from another realm they're name is mephistopheles/Mephisto, Thirteen (male ver), and raphael

They all meet izuku in the same time and start become friend

Luke a child who didn't believe a demon but after he met izuku he start to become closer with him and start to thinking that izuku is just like a father to him

The New student simeon, raphael, solomon, thirteen, and Mephisto start to have a feeling with izuku including the demon brother, diavolo and barbatos

The (obey me) boys now in the meeting without izuku because she was taking care of luke

Now they're discuss about how to confess their feeling to izuku

Mammon: so how

Leviathan: "how" what?

Mammon: how to confess to izuku of course, we all like him and all of us try to confess to him but we don't know how

Satan: well the only way to confess to zuku is have to make him impressed

Belphegor: but we don't know what to impressed him

Everyone was thinking about how to impressed izuku and then diavolo got an idea

Diavolo: i have an idea, how about we make music for him

Everyone (-diavolo and barbatos): music?

Barbatos: that's a great idea my lord

Leviathan: are you sure about that?

Diavolo: yes, plus i know that izuku very love music so much

Barbatos: i agreed my lord

The idea from diavolo is so good until they decide to make music for izuku and confess to him





Now we see izuku and luke baking an apple pie, cupcakes, and cookies for the others

Luke: izuku

Izuku: *look at him* yes Luke

Luke: are you sure that they will like it?

Izuku: of course Luke, they will love it, plus your cooking always delicious even Beel love it

Luke: yeah you right *giggle*

They both laughing so happy until Luke stop her laugh and look at izuku

Luke: um ... Izuku

Izuku: *look at him* yes luke?

Luke: um ... *play her finger* can i ... Call you ... Dad

Hearing that from Luke, izuku very shock to hear it

Izuku: um ... Why?

Luke: because your just like a dad to me, you always play with me, bake with me, and always protect me from evil demon

izuku the new avatar - mha x obey me (neglected Izuku Yagi) rewriteWhere stories live. Discover now