chapter 3: go to RAD academy

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Narator/third POV



Meanwhile in japan

At japan we see a ua highschool and it show student of class 1a: izuku (old) friend and Izumi and her gang

They all pass from the entrance exam but they still never change including Izumi and her gang

Izumi and the girls (expect Jirou) always have feeling that izuku dating someone else and always feels heart broken, the girls slowly start become obsessed with izuku they always put izuku pictures in their room

While with izuku (old) friend katsuki and shoto already been dating for (random) years and same goes with kaminari and Kirishima

Jirou start slowly open her feeling to everyone and start making her own music and post it on the youtube and slowly got 900k subscriber

While the other. You can think about it

Everyone was talking loudly until aizawa come and they take their sit

Aizawa: alright brats, nezu got a message from someone that said today we will go to the RAD academy

Everyone was confuse and what they know RAD academy never exist because there is no on the map or the internet

Sero: uhh sensei there is no school like that in the map or the internet

Aizawa: i know but nezu said is exist but we don't know where it is, and not just us who will go there class 1b, big 3, and the ua staff gonna join us too, so pack your bag and thing so we didn't miss the buss

Everyone do what aizawa said and pack their bag and go to the buss





Everyone already arrived at the location from the message, everyone go down to the bus and they now in the forrest

Everyone already arrived at the location from the message, everyone go down to the bus and they now in the forrest

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Everyone was so confuse and think that they was lost

Midnight: that's strange? Why we in the forrest, did we get the wrong road?

Endeavour (he's actually nice in this story): but it said this is the right place

Present mic (he's dating with aizawa so yeah im gonna make this ship happened and nothing can stop me): nezu is this the location?

Nezu: yes the message said that this is the location

Lida: *chopping her hand* this is must be a villain trap, we need to find the villain immediately

Tanya : he is right, this is must be a trap

Nezu: first: this is not a villain and this is not a trap, second: this is the right location so shut.up

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 10, 2022 ⏰

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