Chapter 3

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The boys had actually booked me all night, which I know was a hefty price but hey I can't tell them how to spend their money. We talked, they drank ( I was on the job, I could not drink), and I got a few more dances in. Of course all of them being for Bakugo, not that I minded.

By the time it was closing time I told the boys to stay put so I could change. I changed in a grey pair of sweatpants, a black tank top, and some black flip flops. Yes not the best fashion statement but when you've worked all night in high heels you tend to not want to where anything special.

I left my makeup on, not wanting the boys to wait on me any longer, especially since they're drunk. This should be a fun ride home. I walked back out into the room to what looks like Kirishima and Kaminari picking on Bakugo. I started walking over to them when I saw a red faced Bakugo with sparks coming from his hand.

"Woah woah woah! Not in here. Chill sparky." I said quickly walking over to Bakugo and grabbing his hand. His face deepened in more red and the sparks stopped. I let go of his hand and told them to follow me.

"Did you guys drive here or did you Uber?" I questioned the boys. "UBERRRRRRR!!!" Kaminari yelled like a toddler. "Kaminari, shhh, no need to yell.." I giggled.  "Ohh, I'mm sowwry." He slurred whispering. I just laughed at him. Actually laughing at all of them as they tripped over themselves and swayed as they walked. We finally reached my car and I unlocked it. "Holy shit this is not your car! Who's car did you steal?!" Kirishima said hanging on Bakugo.

"This is definitely one of the cars I told you about that's already paid off." I said proudly. "Oi, Bakugo, you get to ride up front. Getcha some bro!" Kaminari said push Bakugo a little bit. "Hey! Dont push me! I get front seat regardless if you wanted it or not!" Bakugo yelled at him.

"Just get in losers." I told them as I got in the driver's seat. As they got in I heard a little dink! I turned around to see who it was. "Owwwwy that hurt! Y/N your car hit me! What the hell.. Thats not nice! Didn't your mother ever tell you not to hit?!" Kaminari said pointing his finger at my car. He looked like a mom telling her kid they were in trouble.

I giggled then handed each of them a plastic bag. "Anybody who needs to throw up, please do so in the bag. And please put your seat belts on." I said putting my seat belt on. "Yes ma'am!" Kirishima said saluting. "Okay who's going home first?" I asked.

They had me drop Kaminari off first then Kirishima, we were currently in Kirishimas driveway and he was getting out of the car. He walked to the passenger side and Bakugo rolled down his window and whispered something in his ear.

I shrugged it off thinking it was none of my business. I watched as Kirishima walked to his door fumbling with his keys, also dropping them a few times on his way. He made it to the door and it took him a minute but finally got the key in the hole and going inside.

"Tsh, idiot." Bakugo whispered "Hey you're just as drunk as he is." I stated. "Not uhhh!" He exclaimed like a toddler. "Yeahh huh!" I exclaimed. I typed Bakugos address in and started heading down the street.

I looked over at Bakugo to see him starring out the window. Since the other boys were gone and I'll most likely never see him again I decided to tease him a bit. I reached over putting my hand on his leg a little closer to his knee. He slightly jumped at my touch, pulling him out of his thoughts.

"So did you have a good time tonight? This was suppose to be for you after all." I questioned.  "Well those idiots actually picked out a good dancer." He stated. "Oh so you think I'm a good dancer?" I asked moving my hand up his thigh a little bit.

"Y-y-yeah." He stuttered. "Why are you stuttering Bakugo?" I asked innocently moving my hand up his thigh just a little bit more. His cheeks started turning pink. "I-i-i-" I cut him off pulling into his driveway and placing it in park. I took my seat belt off and placed my hand back on his thigh but a little bit higher then before and leaned in close to him.

"Do I make you nervous Bakugo?" I whispered seductively in his ear. I could see the goosebumps form on his arm as he moved both his hands to sit on his lap. Oh I see, I'm turning him on right now. I smirked as I pulled away. I got out of my car and walked around to the passenger side, opening his door for him.

He had this panicked look on his face, so I decided to make it worse just a little bit. "Here let me help you." I stated reaching in and steadying my self so he had a clear view of my chest. Me being a D cup all he got was a top view, nothing else. I unbuckled his seat belt and grabbed his hand, helping him out of the car.

I wrapped his arm around my shoulder holding onto his hand and my other arm wrapped around my waist. He lean on me for a bit of support as I shut his door with my foot then walked him towards his front door.

He fumbled with his keys just a bit before finally getting the right one and unlocking the door. I walked in with him and looked around a bit. "So where's your room?" I questioned. He tensed up a bit. "Uh-um-uh, upstairs, down the hallway." He managed to say. "Don't worry nothings going to happen, you're drunk, I wouldn't do that." I stated and he relaxed a bit.

We headed that way and once we made it up the stairs you could see the door at the end of the hall was a bedroom. When you made it to the room, I leaned him onto the bed. He just sat there.

"Do you mind if I use the restroom?" I asked. He nodded. "It's right there." He said, pointing towards the corner of the room. I looked over, seeing it immediately and walking to it. I closed the door behind me, and I went pee. I washed my hands and then looked through his little cabinet thing on the wall. I pulled out some advill and walked out of the bathroom.

I noticed he was already passed out, so I left the medicine by his bedside table, then quickly went to the kitchen, grabbing a water bottle, then went back upstairs and left that by the medicine.

I left a little note telling him to take the medicine when he gets up. After that, I took my time leaving his house, being nosey and just taking in his decor and everything. It was all so modern.  Once I reached the front of the house, I looked into the open living room area.

He would have a huge picture of himself, and I laughed a bit. He would. I walked out the door, making sure it was shut, and got back into my car, going home.

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