Chapter 5

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I woke up to the sound of buzzing. I opened my eyes to see my living room, I must have fallen asleep on the couch. Then I feel the warmth of someone next to me. Oh shit. I went to sit up quickly, then realizing an arm was loosely around me. I sat up a little bit slower, trying not to wake Bakugo.

I looked around for my phone, finding it on the side table next to the couch. It was 2:37pm. No notifications.  It must have been his phone. I decided to search for it so it wouldn't wake him up. I carefully lifted the blanket up off his lap and noticed it falling out of his pocket. I carefully grabbed, sliding it slowly out of his pocket. I turned it on silent and realized it was from a group chat. I locked his phone sitting it on the side table. I went into the kitchen and decided to make some breakfast.

The food was just about done and I was about to go in the living room to wake Bakugo up, I turned around and jumped. "Oh my God, you can't scare me like that!" I said, holding my chest. He chuckled a little bit. "Sorry, I didn't mean to."

"Well, I hope I didn't wake you, although I was about to come wake you up, breakfast is ready." I said, handing him a plate. He took a seat at the island, and I set my plate at the seat next to him. "What would you like to drink? I have Orange juice, apple juice, milk, and water." I asked him. "Orange juice is fine, thanks." He replied. I poured him his drink and handed it to him, and then poured myself apple juice. I sat down next to him and started eating.

"I guess we were more tired than we thought last night. I don't think I made it past the beginning of the movie." I chuckled. "Yeahh, I made it close to about halfway." He stated.

"Oh yeah, your phone kind of woke me up, you're group chat was messaging you. I set your phone on the side table. I didn't go through it or anything, I just went to turn it on silent so you wouldn't wake up.." I said, kind of embarrassed, feeling like it sounded like I was going through his phone.

He chuckled again. "It's okay, I appreciate it. If you had left it, I probably would have woken up. Those idiots don't know when to leave me alone." He said.  "Im guessing Kirishima and Kaminari?" I assumed. "Yeah and soy sauce and that pink chick." He said

"I so hope those aren't their real names." I teased. "No, that's just what I call them." He admitted. "You know you're not very good at nicknaming people. I kinda wonder what you call me."  I said, messing with him.

"Well apparently I call you Sexy Bitch." He smirked. I blushed a little remembering what I put my name under in his phone. "Fair enough." I chuckled. Once we finished breakfast, he helped me clean up, which I didn't expect. I was actually going to just leave it till he left.

"Well I guess I should be heading out, I have work soon." He said scratching the back of his neck. "Okay, we'll have to hang out again." I smiled. "Yeah, just let me know when you're free."

"To be honest you're more busier then I am, so you let me know when you're free." I admitted. "Okay. I will." He said grabbing his phone and keys and walking towards the door. I opened the door, holding it open for him. "Sorry if I intruded last night, I didn't mean to fall asleep." He apologized. "No worries, thanks for being my pillow last night, you're pretty comfortable." I winked. He blushed a bit.

"I could be you're pillow anytime." He flirted back. Now causing me to blush. "Bye Bakugo, I'll see you later." I waved. He waved back hopping into his car, and I closed the door. 

Bakugo's POV
When I got home I plopped on my couch and read through my messages. Probably nothing important to wake Y/N's up. What do these shitty extras want.

Dunce Face:
Guys, guess what! Bakugou actually got Y/N's #!

Not huh! He really is out here getting himself a girlfriend!

Shitty Hair:
Bro that's awesome! See you finally man up!

Dunce Face:
Actually im pretty sure he stalked her for her number😏

Never thought to see the day. Congrats bro, moving up in the world

Pink Chick:
What do you mean stalk?!

Dunce Face:
I'm pretty sure he stalked her at work after our patrol cuz I came straight back and he said he was going somewhere and then showed up at the office in a rush trying to leave. Her names Sexy Bitch💋 in his phone!

She definitely put that in his phone!
So why were you in a rush Bakugou? Need to have some adult time with your new gf?😏😏

Shitty Hair:
He must have if he's not answering😏

Do you guys ever shut up?
No we didn't have "adult time"

Dunce Face:
So you guys did hang out!
Is she your gf now?

Ughh no, she is not my gf!!!!

But you want her to be???🤔



Shitty Hair:
Bro it's about time, my daughter's going to need a friend to play with😉

Could you even imagine little Bakugo's running around?

Dunce Face:
How adorable!

I exited out of my messages and locked my phone, getting ready for work. Do I really like her? I mean I literally couldn't get her out of my head the past 2 weeks, I actually get nervous around her, I didn't even want to leave her house today, I felt comfortable being there.

Shoving my thoughts aside, I got ready for work. Once I was ready, I hopped in my car and headed to the office. I went in early remembering I had extra paperwork to do from yesterday. I finally got up to my office, seeing the stack of paperwork that I dont want to do.

Literally, the moment I sat down, the door bust open, and in comes Dunce Face, Pinky, Shitty Hair, and Tape. Kill me now. "What do you guys want?" I growled.

"Oh, calm down, Bakugo! Tell us how last night went!" Pinky said. " And why should I tell you guys?" I questioned. "Because we're your friends bro and we're hoping for the best for you." Shitty Hair stated. "It was fine, don't make a big deal out of it." I blew them off.

"Oh come on, did you guys do it? Did you at least make a move?!" Dunce Face asked.

"No, quit asking me if we did it! No. We talked for a while, then we both fell asleep watching a movie. That's that, leave it alone!" I yelled. "So you stayed the night at her house man?!" Tape asked. I rolled my eyes, throwing my head down on my arm that rested on my desk. "And you guys cuddled? That's absolutely adorable! Bakugo, who knew you could be such a softy!" Pinky squealed.

That's it. "I AM NOT A SOFTY! JUST GET OUT, LEAVE ME ALONE!" I shouted. They all kind of just starred at me. "Bro it's not that serious. We were just messing with you." Shitty Hair said. "I don't care, just go." I replied a bit more calm. I can't go soft. I still have to be #1. I can't let Deku stay ahead of me. It's bad enough he already passed me.

As I've gotten older I don't feel the need to yell as much but that comment pissed me off. I heard the door click meaning they got the hint to leave me alone. Finally.

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