Part 3

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"You really like potatoes don't ya kid?" Vander asked looking at the little girl sitting at his bar. She had common brown hair and dark green eyes and she always asked for a plate of the dull vegetables whenever she was there, which was pretty often now that he thought about it.

"I guess." Her voice was often quiet, he hadn't ever heard her yell.

"Hmm... Well, at least they're good for ya' and better than what the other kids eat around here." He chuckled as he thought about it while letting his eyes wander over the kid. She was young, probably the same age as his kids, maybe a bit younger if her size was anything to go by, but she carried herself differently. She was sneaky, always able to get in unnoticed, which was a concern of his early on when she would just pop up at the bar and make her request, but he was used to it by now. Even though she always seemed sad or unhappy about something when she came by she still came across as sure of herself and satisfied in most of her actions and conversations. Any of his questions were shot down and she never gave anything away.

His chuckle turned into a snort making her look up from her food.

"Nothing, nothing, I just wonder how many potatoes one kid can eat. You're gonna turn into one."

"No, I won't." She rolled her eyes though a small smile appeared on her face, he didn't expect it because she never smiled before, but it did fill a small part of him with a familiar sense of pride.

"Yeah, well we'll see."
"Try these." He placed a plate in front of the girl who just stared at it confused.

"What are they?"


"No they're not! Stop lying!" His eyes widened when she yelled but he laughed and nodded. Of course the first time she yelled at him it would be over her favorite food.

"Yes they are, they're called Tater Tots. It's a different way of making them. They're small but just as good, maybe even better. I made them just for you."

She stared at them before giving him a glare, he could practically read her mind with how offended she looked, but after a bit she gave them a try. Her eyes widened as she looked back at him in surprise before quickly eating the rest. He grinned at her and she rolled her eyes.

"Whatever. They were good... Thank you." Her usual soft voice was back, though with a bit of added sarcasm. He still grinned down at her.

"Come back anytime and I'll make them for you again."
"You come by so often I wonder if your parents ever feed you. My supply of potatoes gets knocked out by you alone. You're really gonna turn into one someday."

This time she didn't even respond, used to him cracking jokes at her. In all honesty, she didn't mind. He's the only reason she even got to have them in the first place.

"I'm gonna start calling you Tater Tot if you don't slow down." She didn't spare him a glance and he just laughed.
"I want you to meet my kids. That alright with you?"

She looked up from the table she was just laying her head on. Instead of asking for more tater tots, she was just sitting down and watching him work, which Vander did find a bit curious. Her eyes darted around the room for a second and then landed back on him. She offered a small nod.

"Great, they should be back sometime soon."
"You lot, I have someone to introduce to you," Vander called down into the basement. He then walked down with the girl following behind him.

Vi was sitting in a lounge chair just watching him until her eyes locked onto the girl behind him and furrowed. Claggor was sitting at a desk and just watched, while Mylo was laying on the couch staring too. Powder was across the room on her bed, obviously she had been working on another project but Vander had her attention as well.

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