Chapter 15: Cargo Ship, 3 of 5 Remnant Extractor Parts Gone

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Date: 09/23/01
Time: Unknown
Location: Pacific Ocean
Mission: Remnant Cargo Ship
Name: Lt. Sky
Group: Alpha 1
The satellite tracks and analyzes a cargo freighter ship in the Pacific Ocean.
P: "Alpha Team, the intel on this Op comes from our informant in Russia... ...The package is aboard a medium freighter. Estonian registration number 52775... There is a small crew and a security detail on board."
K: "Rules of engagement, Sir?"
P: "Crew expendable."
S: "Right Lads, Nikolai and Hammer will be taking us there."
Nikolai, flying the Mil Mi-26 carrying Alpha 1 flies towards the cargo ship. Price is smoking a cigar on the way.
Hammer Two-Four(H24): "Overloard, this is Hammer Two-Four. We have visual on the target. E.T.A sixty seconds."
Ov: "Copy Two-Four."
H24: "Thirty seconds. Going dark."
The helicopter flies alongside the ship. After twenty seconds.
H24: "Ten seconds. Radio check. Go to secure channel."
N: "Copy."
Price tosses out his cigar. The team gets ready by putting on their gas masks. I pulled my mask down and pulled out my Vector.
P: "Lock and load."
After ten seconds. They reach the bridge and main deck.
H24: "Green light! Go! Go! Go!"
Alpha 1 fast-rope down from helicopter, landing on the main deck and outside bridge with crew members inside.
P: "Weapons free."
We take out the bridge members.
Sm: "Bridge secure."
Captain Price: Hold your fire! Kyle - stay in the bird till we secure the deck, over.."
K: "Roger that."
Price kicks the bridge door open. We make are way inside and down the stairs.
P: "Squad on me! Stairs clear."
We go down the stairway to find a drunken crew member.
Crew Member: Пей на здоровье, полковник! (Drink to health, Colonel!)
We quickly kill him.
P: "Last call.; Bottoms up. Hallway clear!"
We enter the crew's quarters and kill two sleeping crew members.
S: "Sweet dreams.; Sleep Tight."
P: Crew quarters clear. Move up.
H24: "Forward deck is clear! Green light on alpha, go!"
Gaz, Ghost, and Yuri rappel down from the helicopter and group up with Price.
K: "Ready sir."
P: "Fan out. Three metre spread."
We move up the ship. We see two crew members with flashlights on patrol on a platform.
K: "Got two on the platform."
P: "I see 'em."
We approach the platform.
I, the whole time, was zoned out walking past going straight to the other side.
P: "Weapons free."
K: "Roger that."
So: "Tango down."
We are engaged by crew members on the second floor.
Sm: "We got company."
P: "Hammer Two-Four, we got tangos on the 2nd floor."
H24: "Copy, engaging."
Hammer Two-Four sprays its minigun across the floor, killing all enemies. Two-Four takes off and heads back to base.
H24: Alpha 1, Hammer and Nikolai is at bingo fuel. We're buggin out. Big Bird will be on station for evac in ten."
P: Copy Hammer. Wallcroft, Griffen, cover our six. The rest of you, on me."
K: "Roger that."
Wallcroft and Griffen stay behind the watch for enemy crew members while the others stack up at a doorway. Gaz pulls out a W1200 shotgun.

P: "Sky, how are you here so fast?"
I zoned back in.
S: "Huh?"
P: "Zone out again?"
S: "Yea."
He turned back to the door.
P: "On my mark - go."
Price opens the door. They enter inside.
P: "Check your corners! Move. Check those corners!"
K: "Clear left."
G: "Clear right."
P: "Hallway clear! Move up!"
C: "Clear right."
P: "Stairs clear."
We head down the stairs.
So: "Movement right."
We kill a small group of crew members at the end of the hall.
K: "Tango down."
P: "Hallway clear! Check your corners!"
S: "Clear left."
K: "Ready, Sir."
P: "Move up!"
We stack up at a doorway.
P: "Standby. On my go."
S: "Standing by."
Sky peeks around the door, but moves away as hostile bullets almost hit him. Price throws a flashbang into the room.
P: "Flashbang out. Go."
We clear the room and then move up and clear a catwalk.
S: "Catwalk clear. Gotcha covered, move up."
They clear the room.
P: "Squad on me!"
G: "Forward area clear."
S: "No tangos in sight."
P: "Move up! Keep it tight."
S: "Gaz, right side."
K: "I'm on it."
The team moves up.
K: "No tangos in sight."
Ghost rushes ahead of the team, a hostile with a Desert Eagle appeared behind a crate and attempt to kill the him. Soap kills the hostile. We stack up at a door to the next compartment.
P: "Stack up."
G: "Ready sir."
Price kicks open the door.
P: "Go."
Gaz: "Clear left."
So: "Clear right."
P: "Move."
We move up to the catwalk.
G: "Movement right."
We open fire on BMC crew members on the opposite catwalk.
P: "Move up!"
We move across the catwalk and engage some hostiles as they come down the stairs. They clear the room.
So: "Forward area clear."
P: "Move."
K: "Clear right."
S: "Clear left."
P: "Stack up."
We stack up at a door.
P: "Stand by. On my go."
G: "One ready."
So: "Two ready."
Price throws a flashbang into the next room.
P: "On my mark - go."
We move in and engage hostiles spread throughout the compartment. They clear the room.
S: "Tango down."
P: "Report- all clear?"
G "Roger that."
Gaz gets a radiation reading from one of the crates at the end of the room.
K: "I'm getting a strong reading sir. You might want to take a look at this."
Gaz opens the crate to reveal a nuclear device covered by an BMC flag.
Captain Price: Hmm... its Redacted... Overlord, this is Alpha 1. We've found it. Ready to secure package for transport.
Ov: "No time, Bravo Six. Two bogies headed your way fast. Grab what you can and get the hell outta there."
G: "Fast movers. Probably MiGs. We'd better go."
P: "Soap, grab the manifest in the container. Move."
Soap grabs the manifest.
P: "Alright - Everyone topside! Double time!"
We begin to head out.
P: "Wallcroft, Griffen, what's your status?"

SAS (Pvt. Griffen/Sgt. Wallcroft): "Already in the helicopter sir. Enemy aircraft inbound...Shit! They've opened fire! Get out of there! Now!"
An explosion erupts in the ship as the MiGs open fire on the ship. The team falls to the ground briefly.
Big Bird: Alpha 1! Come in! Alpha 1, what's your status?
S: "Shit! What the hell happened?!"
The ship begins to tilt and water starts to flood into the ship.
G: "The ship's sinking! We've got to go, now!"
Big Bird: Alpha 1, come in, damn it!
Price helps up Soap.
Sky answers the radio.
S: Big Bird, this is Alpha 1 we're on our way out!"
I helped up Chef.
S: "On your feet, soldier! We are leaving! Get to the catwalks! Move move move!"
G: "Move your asses! Come on, let's go!"
We begin to make their way off the ship. We reach the catwalks. Water bursts in, making them lose balance.
P: "Back on your feet! Let's go!"
Parts of the compartment begin to fall apart all around them.
S: "Watch yer(your) head!"
K: "Go! Go! Keep moving!"
The catwalk begins to break away.
G: It's breakin' away!
"P: Come on, come on!"
We enter the hallway, the pipes on the walls begin to burst.
G: "Watch the pipes!"
We continue moving through the ship.
Big Bird: "Talk to me Alpha 1, where the hell are you?!"
S: "Stand by. We're almost there!"
We move up the stairs out of lower hall.
So: "Which way?! Which way to the helicopter?!"
P: "To the right to the right!"
G: "We're runnin' outta time! Come on! Let's go!"
We turn to the right towards the exit. Objects begin to roll as the ship capsizes further. We reach outside.
P: "Keep moving!"
G: "Where the hell is it?!"
The helicopter arrives and they board just as it takes off.
S: "Jump for it!"
Chef jumps. He begins to lose his grip on the ramp. I grab him and pull him aboard.
S: "Gotcha!"
P: "We're all aboard! Go!"
Big Bird: "Roger that, we're outta here. Overlord, this is Big Bird. Package secure, returning to base. Out."
The helicopter flies away as the ship sinks.

A few hours later we return to home base.
Everyone entered the main area.
Than Sandman came to me all pissed.
He forcefully turned me around.
S: "What?"
Sm: "We found the Remnant part. Now what, we didn't secure it."
S: "That's the bloody point fuck boi."
Sm: "Explain!"
S: "First. Mined your tone Sergeant. And Second. We were ment to destory the parts, 3 of 5 have been destroyed."
G: "Wait. So we weren't supposed to take the part."
S: "Nope, we just made the BMC destory there own thing."
P: "That honestly a smart play."
So: "Agreed."
Everyone else accepted Sandman agreed.
Sm: "Then what was the point of taking are time on the Cargo ship. Why didn't we just destory it when we got there?!"
S: "Couldn't risk having any of them alive after it being destroyed."
Sm: "That's why we have miss-"
I got upset and stepped face to face with Sandman.
S: "If you got a fuckin problem with they way I do things, there's the fuckin door, you can fuckin leave. I don't give a flying fuck if there are any issues with the way I go about things.
If you don't like it, fuckin leave!"
Sandman was quiet.
S: "I'm done being told what's to far or we could have changed the plan. When I find a plan. I stick to it. I'll only take the gloves off when I need to or when necessary.
Once again. If you don't like the way I run missions, back your shit and leave."
Everyone stayed.
S: "Good then. Everyone get set, we have another Remnant pieces to destory. We gonna be chasing a train. (Turns to Sandman) Unless your having 2nd thoughts."
Sm: "No. No 2ne thoughts."
S: "Good then. Get ready. We leave at dawn."

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