Chapter 17: Location on Mr. Showstopper, K̵i̴l̸l̵ the Leader

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Date: 09/25/01
Time: unknown
Location: Chicago, Illinois
Mission: K̵i̴l̸l̵ Mr. Show̵s̵t̷o̶pper
Name: Lt. Sky
Group: Alpha 1
Alarms are going off, today is the day.
Ov: "Everyone attention. Lt. Sky will give the rundown, details, and plan of the missions a hand. Go ahead Lieutenant."
S: "Alright lads! Today is the day. Where we finally K̵i̴l̸l̵ Mr. Showstopper. But, its not going be easy."
I pulled up a layout of his place in Chicago.
S: "We will fly in with Hamer 2-4 and Viper 1.
After Viper drops us off, him and Nikolai will be on standby for air support.
Delta 5, you guys will work from the ground up, there's a bunker entrance around the side of the hill.
Alpha 1 with myself will be coming through the corn field.
Bravo 6 with Price will be coming in from the back.
Mr. Showstopper, will not leave this place. A̷l̷i̵v̴e̸."
P: "Rog, Soap, Gaz and Nikolai, your with me.
Ghost, Sandman, Chef and Yuri. Your with Sky."
S: "Alright lads, good luck.
Meet you all at the 2nd floor. That's where Showstopper is."
We all ran out of the main place and we got into our different helios and headed to Mr. Showstopper's place.
Few hours later we made it to our specific areas.
S: "Alpha 1 has landed, standing by."
P: "Bravo 6 has landed, standing by."
J: "Delta 5 has landed, standing by."
Ov: "All units be advised, no matter were you go in this palace, there will be hostiles."
S: "Rog. Good luck all. Going into separate radio channel. Over and out."
I motioned my team to switch to radio 2.
S: "Call in."
G: "Ghost called in."
Sm: "Sandman called in."
C: "Chef called in."
Y: "Yuri calleds in."
S: "Right. Let move."
We moved closer to the entrance of the palace.
S: "Spotlight, to the tall grass."
We sprinted to the tall grass, and slowly moved to where we can see the palace.
The spotlight flew over.
S: "Don't move."
I switch to the main system.
S: "Alpha 1 to all units. Be advised, spotlight above."
I switched back to radio 2.
It flew past.
S: "Ok. On my mark we are gonna rush into the palace and bust through the front door."
We all waited.
S: "3.. 2.. 1.. NOW."
We all sprinted to the palace and bust through the door, then killed all the front door guards.
Then we killed the rest of the remaining guards.
I switched to main radio.
S: "Front gate cleared, moving to 1st floor."
P: "Roof top cleared, moving to 3rd floor."
R: "Basement cleared, join Alpha on 1st floor."
I had my team switch to the radio system with Delta 5.
S: "Near front door, bout to breach."
J: "Near back door, about to breach as well."
S: "Set the charges and we'll sync breach on my mark."
We both set the charges.
B: "Charges set."
Y: "Charges set."
S: "3... 2.. 1. Now."
We sync breached and both teams went on a killing spree.
Few mins later.
We all switched back to main system.
S: "1st floor cleared, Alpha 1 and Delta 5 moving up the 2nd."
P: "3rd floor cleard, Bravo 6 moving to 2nd to join."
We all met in the stair well.
We breached. Alpha 1 without me, Bravo 6 without Price, and Delta 5 without James went in.
(Ss is Mr. Showstopper)
Me, Price and Jane's walked in at the same time.
Ss: "Well(x2), look who we have here."
P: "Well. If it isn't Mr. Fuckboi him self."
Ss: "Its Show-"
S: "Stfu. We know who you are."
Ss: *laughter* "The 3 leaders.
Captian John Price, James Whittaker, and Skytbm Swales, or should I say-"
S: "I Said Shut the fuck up!"
The whole room was silent.
S: "Mr. Showstopper or should I say William Cairt. Yeah. I've met your son.
You have are the most wanted man of the world. Your making a nuclear powered device that not once by twice, destroyed an entire place, 1st one an building, 2nd an entire town.
You've been listed as one of the people who want to watch the world burn.
Tell me. What do you gain from all of this, Blood moon corp fail cause by you messing with things you shouldn't have.
So tell me excatly, what the fuck you gain from this bullshit."
Ss: *laughter* "Well, seems I'm not gonna be walking out of here. So might as well.
Your right, BMC failed, but I'll make the world burn with just one thing.
That Remnant Extractor failed twice, and its gonna fail once more."
S: "Not on my watch."
I sprinted towards Showstopper, and everything slowed.
I got a few inches closer to where I speared Showstopper and we burst thru the window falling straight to the ground.
The ground got closer as we fell than, I heard a splat then everything went black.
I knew, that Showstopper was dead and in a million pieces, because he broke my fall but I landed head first.
I could faintly hear some stuff, but only some voices were familiar.
P: "Soap, Gaz, get hom on the copper let's go!!"
G: "Delta 5, cover our 6!"
P: "Overlord, it's Bravo 6! Showstopper is dead, but Lt. Sky has been concussed! We need medical team on standby for when we return!"
I couldn't hear Overlord come through the radio than, everything went silent.

-48 hours later-

I felt empty, I felt nothingness, my hearing slowly came back.
?: "Doc, is he alright?"
??: "Yea. He's been out for the last 2 days."
?: "He survived one hell of a fall."
I could make out 3 familiar voices, Price, Ghost, and Sydney.
P: "No broken bones, no inside injuries. Nothing?"
??: "Surpisingly, nothing."
G: "Sydney. You alright ma'am?"
P: "She's out like a light."
??: "She has been crying, and stayed here for 48hours."
P: "Bloody hell. That's on hell of a lover if you ask me."
I slowly started felling stuff again.
S: *Small grunts*
P: "Holy hell. He's waking."
For first time in a while, I felt like absolute shit.
S: *cough (2x)* "Good fuckin hell."
P: "Hey mate."
S: "Price."
P: "You know, I'm not mad at what you did. I've done a similar thing to it."
S: "I feel like shit."
Dr: "Well doesn't help that you went face first out a window."
S: "Jeez, really?"
G: "Yeap."
I went to move than saw Sydney out like a light.
S: "How long have I been out?"
P: "48hrs."
S: "2 days?"
P: "Yeap."
S: "Wow."
I moved my hand to gently brush Sydney's hair.
That woke her up apparently.
S: "Hey. You alr?"
Syd: *gasps* "Sky!!"
She hugged me.
S: "Easy(2x), it's alright."
Dr: "Surprisingly, you came back, with nothing broken, nor lost."
S: "Wow, lucky me eh?"
P: "Yea, your won't lucky bugger."
S: "Damn."
It was silent for a little bit.
Dr: "Alright, everything is good to go. Your free to head home. Just take it easy. For a little bit."
S: "Right. Well." *Grunts while getting up* "Let's head home than."
Sydney put my arm over her and we walked out.
P: "What's the plan next Sky?"
S: "No sure. Imma think about it. As I relax fir a little while."
He nodded, than me and Sydney went back to where I was staying at the moment.
We've been through alot in the last month and a half.

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