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Andy and I rode to the jail together the next day. He didn't want me to arrive alone. He took my hand as we got out of the car.

"You okay?" Andy asked.

"I just want him safe Andy." I said and Andy nodded.

"Can I ask a question?" Andy asked and I nodded.

"Of course." Andy said.

"Was he a good brother?" Andy asked and I smiled as we signed in.

"The best. He was 2 years older than me and he never made me feel like the annoying little sister. He and his friends go out, he always took me. Never let any of his friends think about dating me though even though they were many crushes happening..." I said and gave a small laugh. I then sighed as we sat to wait to go into the room the small case would be heard in. "I know he murdered someone, I'll not blind to that. I just still love him and will always be in his corner." I said and Andy kissed my cheek.

"There is nothing wrong with that Taylor." Andy said and I smiled. We saw someone come walking out of a room. I saw it was Dean's lawyer.

"Marcus..." Andy said and shook his hand.

"Been awhile Barber." Marcus said and looked between them.

"You know each other?" I asked.

"Went to law school together." Andy said and I nodded.

"Is he in there?" I asked and he nodded. "Can I hug him?" I asked, he nodded and opened the door. When I saw Dean turn to look at me I was in shock. He had a swollen shut black eye, cut on his eyebrow, split lip, bruised arms and that was all I could see. I rushed up to him.

"Easy TT." Dean said as I hugged him and I felt him wince. I lifted up his prison shirt and saw his torso all bruised.

"Has he been checked out for internal bleeding?!" I asked and Marcus nodded.

"Yes Taylor." Dean answered. "Stop being the nurse you are and just be my sister." Dean said and I sighed. Andy came walking up to Dean and I.

"Dean this is Andrew Barber, he was helping Marcus out." I said and Andy smiled and even though Dean was in cuffs he shook Andy's hand.

"Just call me Andy."

"And my sister boyfriend." Dean said.

"Dean!" I said and groaned. Andy smiled.

"Not sure what we are yet but she is special to me." Andy said.

"And your wife?" Dean said and I groaned glaring at Dean.

"Finishing up the divorce." Andy said and Dean nodded.

"Just don't hurt her please. She has had enough hurt in her life." Dean said and Andy nodded.

"I wouldn't dream of it." Andy said and I smiled. We saw people come walking in. Andy motion for me to take a seat and I sat behind Dean and Marcus. They banged the gavel.

"We are here today to go over the safety of inmate Dean Miller and a possibility of an out of state transfer to Boston." He lady said and I whipped my head to look at Andy and he winked at me. He was trying to get my brother closer to me.


After about an hour a half the ruling came down that Dean was in danger and needed to be moved. They refused to move him to Boston though. I sighed when they announced that on account of his good behavior they would move him to a less security max prison a few cities over and would guarantee his safety. Once the gavel was banged again I jumped up and easily wrapped my arms around Deans neck and he sighed kissing my cheek.

"I'll be safe now TT. Don't worry. I love you." Dean said as the guard came over.

"I love you too." I said as the guard took him away. I hugged Marcus and he smiled.

"Thank you for everything." I said and he nodded.

"Thank Barber. He was the one that found the loopholes I used." Marcus said and went to walk out.

"Marcus...the bill...." I said and he shook his head.

"It's been covered." Marcus said and looked at Andy. Once he walked out I looked at Andy.

"You covered it?" I asked and Andy. Nodded.

"I did. It's no big deal Taylor." Andy said as I wrapped my arms around his neck and placed my hands on the back of his neck pulling him down to me.

"You are amazing Andy, thank you for everything." I said brushing my lips against his and then gently biting his lower lip. He growled when I did. He leaned in even closer and kissed me.

"Can we go back to the hotel?" Andy asked his lips brushing mine and I smiled.

"I have a stop to make first." I said and Andy looked at me confused. "I have to tell my parents about today whether they want to hear it or not." I said and Andy nodded.

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