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Adelia's POV:

After the war things had been...tough. There had been so much destruction and so many deaths that everyone was having trouble adjusting. Everyone was sticking close to loved ones and constantly looking over their shoulders - the same thought going through all our heads, we couldn't have actually won could we?

But we all soon relaxed. Well everyone except Percy. He had clung onto me as if he thought it was all a dream. He had confessed to me that he thought I was part of his imagination. He did watch me die after all. It hadn't hurt. When everyone talks about your life flashing before your eyes, it was true. I could see everything from my first day at Yancy, to meeting Grover and Percy, and our first quest, and our second, and the Labyrinth, and Percy going missing and in a weird way I saw what my future could have been. Children and a house. Percy and I. Everything I'd ever dreamed of. And then I woke up in Olympus

I'd spent countless nights comforting my friend from nightmares. Percy had woken up and had cried into his pillow and I'd rushed in. He'd grabbed my face and looked me over constantly and he'd asked, "Are you real?"

And I'd nodded my head, and we went to sleep. Let me tell you it was an awkward day when Sally caught us. 

Well, boyfriend now I suppose. The thought still filled me with giddiness. Perseus Jackson - Saviour of the World was my boyfriend. We'd done so much stuff that people would have found cringe worthy. The things you see in rom-coms, but when you are in a relationship it suddenly becomes cute. 

We'd been on ice cream dates and he'd learned to ride my motorcycle, we'd gone to the movies, we'd painted motorbike helmets, we'd had a day at the beach, trained together and kissed by the campfire.

After the Aphrodite cabin had gotten over Silena's death (not that you really can) they had started to go back to their old ways and had updated their pin board of couples. A lot of new couples had surfaced due to the war. Annabeth had found her special someone which we were all happy for. 

At 5th was a Hephaestus boy and a girl from the Athena cabin

At 4th was Grover and Juniper

At 3rd was Travis Stoll and Katie Gardener

At 2nd was Annabeth and her girlfriend - Bea Hathaway (kid of Demeter)

And at 1st was Percy and I.

Apparently everyone had been placing bets on us since we arrived and Callie and Annabeth had made over 50 drachmas each. I wasn't too happy about that but Annabeth promised that she would do all my math homework for me and Callie would give me free makeup tips, so all was forgiven. 

When Percy heard of the board all he had to say was, "We are the best couple..." 

I smacked him up the head. 

So overall apart form dying but not dying my summer had been great. I'd been learning a new weapon type and I was loving it. It was dagger throwing. I was surprisingly good at it and Percy had given me a set that i'd named, Aima (blood), Nerkros (death) and Odyni (pain). 

I still used my sword but these felt like special to me, Swords were Percy's thing, Daggers were Annabeths, throwing stars/daggers were mine. Mine alone. 

I'd asked some of the Hephaestus kids to make me some ones that could be made super small, pocket size and they were beautiful. They hadn't left my side.

A/N: Adelia's back, what do yall think of the Aphrodite board? And go Annabeth!! 

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