01- The Sun God's Prophet Part One

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A/N: Lets ignore that this took me nearly a year to write ;-; lolzz i had to split this chapter in half because i lost half when my laptop broke so ill post the second half once i rewrite it :))
ANYWAY there is a playlist that goes with this which doesn't really go with this chapter but oh well
(if link doesn't work just search 'FROGGY' into spotify and click profiles u should find it)
hope you enjoy
- Froggie :))

Word count: 4,314
Summary: : For the past four years, Ed, Al with the addition of (y/n) have combed the country for a rumored stone that could amplify the boys' alchemy and bring the Elric's bodies back to normal. A battle breaks out against the false prophet Cornello, who is using the science of alchemy and parading it as acts of God.

The sun is shining brightly, the sand is scorching, and the air is thick. Sparrows flew toward the large fountain out front of the castle-like building that stood tall in the centre of Liore. The three teens sat not far from the large building at a small cafe bar, and the sound of mindless chatter from other cafe goers could be heard. An unknown voice plays over the radio sitting above Alphonse's head.
"Children of God who live upon this earth, have faith, and thou shalt be saved. The god of the sun, Leto, enlightens thy path. Behold, having descended from his throne, the lord shall save thee from thy sins. As the messenger of the sun God, I am your father"
"A radio broadcast of a sermon?" Al wondered aloud.
"A messenger of god?" Edward questioned as he ate another fry. "What's that?"
"I think I ought to be the one saying 'what's that?' about you." The cafe owner asked the three while drying a cup with a towel. He had a thick moustache and wore a dark cap and a light-coloured apron. "So, what are you guys supposed to be? Street performers?"
Dropping his fork annoyed and with an eyebrow twitching, Ed spoke, "Okay pops, what part of us looks like street performers?"
"Well I don't know ed, we've got a 6'3 suit of armour and shorty mcshortison-"
"I'm not short!" Edward retorted, saying it wouldn't be a surprise if you could see steam coming out of his ears.
"My bad 'fun-sized'" (y/n) laughed, making air quotes with her finger; Ed rolled his eyes and sighed, and Al giggled.
"If you're not street performers, what are you guys doing in these parts?" The cafe owner asked.
"Yeah, we're just looking for something," Ed said, placing his fork on the empty plate, "What's with this broadcast anyway?"
"You haven't heard of Father Cornello?" he answered, sounding almost offended.
"Father, who now?" (y/n) asked.
"Father Cornello! The messenger of the sun God! He's the founder of Letoism. the one with
the 'power of miracles. He's this wonderful man who came to this city a couple of years ago
and showed us the way of God!" The man stood tall, hands on his hips. Other cafe goers
interjected about what a great man Father Cornello was.
"It's incredible!"
"Definitely the power of God!"
Alphonse and (y/n) sat listening intently; Ed, on the other hand, was sitting and messing with
the straw in his cup, completely uninterested.
"You ain't listening, kid." the cafe owner deadpanned.
"Nope. "I'm not interested in religion." Ed said, looking the cafe owner straight in the eyes.
"Well, I'm stuffed; let's beat it." He said they were beginning to stand Al and (y/n) following
his lead.
"Thanks for the food-" (y/n) was cut off by a loud bang, caused by Al hitting the roof of the
cafe stand and knocking off their radio.
Al and (y/n) following his lead.
"AH!!- HEY!! Don't cause any problems here! It's all because you're walking 'round in that oversized tin can!" The man shouted leaning over the bar to see his broken radio.
"Sorry, sorry, we'll fix it right up, don't worry," Ed said, waving his hand in apology.
Alphonse leaned over the assessing the damage, as (y/n) reached in her pocket for a stick
of chalk.
"Here," she said, handing Al the chalk.
"Fix how?" the cafe owner asked, scratching his head.
"Just watch," Edward answered, as Al finished drawing the transmutation around the broken
Alphonse went onto his knees, as a crowd of cafe goers surrounded the teens, he clapped
his hands together and pushed them onto the ground. Strikes of blue lightning grew from the
circle, engulfing the radio in blue hues. Looks of shock and amazement plastered the
cafe goers' faces. The blue light soon ceased, and Al rose to his feet.
The cafe owner stood in shock and said, "I'm stunned," making Ed visibly smirk. "You can use the power of miracles too!" Ed's smirk dropped almost immediately.
"You what?" "No, we are alchemists; my brother and I are kind of famous, you know?" Ed retorted angrily. "We are the Elric brothers!" Edward stood proudly as cafegoers realised who they were.
"The Elric brothers?!"
"I've heard of them before!"
"He's one of those national alchemists!" says the older one.
"Edward Elric, the full-metal alchemist!";
A crowd began to form around Alphonse, (y/n) noticed before Ed did, she tried to hold her laugh as the cafegoers began to praise Al. "So you're that rumoured genius alchemist!"
"I see why you're called the Fullmetal Alchemist. You wear that suit of armour!"
Ed's proud expression faded, revealing a visible vein on his brow.
"Um, I'm not him," Al said, waving his hands frantically.
"The shorty over there?"
That was it. Edward blew up. "WHO ARE YOU CALLING A SUPER SMALL SPECK"
"PFFFFFFT—a small speck" (y/n), she laughed, almost falling over. He turned toward the crowd of people, angrily ignoring (y/n), who was still giggling at his meltdown. "I am the Fullmetal Alchemist, Edward Elric!" He overemphasised the "I."
"And I'm his little brother, Alphonse," Al added, rubbing his metal neck nervously. The crowd was taken aback by the revolution that Edward, a child, had started. (y/n) was kneeling to grab the now-fixed radio off the ground when a younger child from the crowd pointed at her and asked, "Who's she then?"
"Me?" she questioned, pointing to herself now standing up with the radio in hand.
"Oh, that's just (y/n)" Ed brushed it off.
"What do you mean by just (y/n)?" "You get to use your snazzy title, and I get "just" (y/n)," she chuckled. Before he could speak again, she shoved the radio in Ed's face and
introduced herself. "I'm the carbon steel alchemist, (y/n) Mustang!" Edward was still
bewildered by how he ended up with the radio. Just as the three were about to leave and headed toward the massive building in the centre of Liore, an unknown girl running toward the cafe shouted to the owner, "Hello! It's a little bit lively today." She wore a white dress and black sandals. She had tanned skin and dark eyes. She had two-toned hair; the front of her hair was pink and the back was dark brown. "Oh, hello, Rose," the moustached man said cheerfully. "Going to the church again?" He asked.
"Yeah, I need to make some offerings," she said, smiling as she held some items in her hands and turned to face the young alchemists.
"I don't think I've met you before." All three of them just stared at her.
"They say they're alchemists; it seems they are looking for something." The man spoke not
looking up from the glass he was polishing.
She smiled at the three of them, her hair floating in the breeze, and she had a tight hold on the bag she was holding. "I hope you find what you are looking for," Rose began to walk away, but before going too far, she turned her head to look at them a final time and said, "May Leto protect you!"
"Huh?" Edward said this in confusion, turning towards the cafe owner again.
"That girl, she ain't got no relatives, and top of that, her boyfriend died in a car accident earlier this year," he said, putting down his now-polished glass.
"Yeah, you'd think she'd be sad, but she didn't seem down." A cafe patron butted in. "What saved her were the teachings of Cornello, the prophet of the sun god Leto! "He who gives everlasting life to the living and rebirth to the dead—the power of miracles proves that."
Rebirth of the Dead (y/n) turned to face the Elrics, knowing it was too much of a coincidence to be anything else.
"Rebirth of the dead, huh?" Edward said sceptically, chewing on his straw, "Smells fishy."

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2023 ⏰

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