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welcome to my book i hope you like it , enjoy 
the picture above is what blueberry's vigilantes outfit looks like 

【Cheda's pov】

"We gotta speed up somehow " i hears blueberry whisper-yell

"Umm we can just teleport remember?" i  remind slowing down slightly 
"Oh yeah" she says pulling out her pocket mirror "grab my hand" She sticks her hand out towards me 

"o-oh i was just gonna shapeshift and teleport using that method" i say nervously but i can hear the sounds of footsteps drawing nearer "okay fine i guess I'll  go with you" i say as i grab her hand uncertainly , she sighs and starts to go through the mirror "i-im not so sure about this i haven't gone with you before " she looks at me with sympathy in her eyes "it's fine , it's just the mirror realm it would be safer than staying out here " she says as we end up in a dark void-like hallway with mirrors leading to the outside world

 "I'm still not sure about this can we just get outta here please" I ask we go over to another mirror and we go through it ending up in what appears to be an underground bunker just big enough for us to stand in comfortably "welcome to the hole under your house!"  blue says grandly, spreading her arms out wide "woah you put a mirror in here, i knew you had this but damn its more spacious than i thought" i say in awe slowly looking around the room "i know, right? the tunnel took forever but this took like 24hours " she says nonchalantly "it must've. this place is great, why are you so handy?" i say fake pouting " thank you best part the cops and the heroes don't even know about it " he says proudly "yeah im pretty sure my mum and my brothers don't even know about it, it's perfect" i add "yep "blue replied grinning widely

˜"*°•.˜"*°• •°*"˜.•°*"˜

thank you for reading this i hope you enjoyed, these chapters will be quite short most of the time 

make sure to eat something, drink some water, have fun and do special things for yourself every once in a while 


vigilante au vigilante ChedaWhere stories live. Discover now