a deal

33 2 16

the picture above is what vigilante Cheda looks like 

 i want to know
whats you Guys's fav color

【Cheda's pov】

as we were about to go through the mirror something caught our attention 

it was the sound of fighting. we look at each other, perplexed 

"What the fuck?... what's going on?" i say confused 
"No idea, let's just listen and see how this plays out and what happens 

we hear more fighting outside and then one of the officers yells
'it's the villains, call for backu-' he stopped abruptly mid-sentence and then we hear a thud, we assume he was knocked out 

"Just teleport us already for god's sake. how did they even find us in the first place?" i yell as blueberry grabs my wrist again and quickly enters the mirror realm 

"Hurry up and teleport us somewhere safe" i yell hastily 

"No Cheda, this IS the safest place i can think of, we are hiding in the mirror realm because no one else can enter. also, they can hear you if you speak too loud by the way" blue informs me 

"Oohh that's a better plan. wait WHAT did you say they can hear me? how??" i say confused but before she could answer a voice...., sirens voice.

his voice echoes through the realm 
"Hey kids i just want to talk, can you come out please?" he said his voice strangely enticing 

"What do we do?" blue whispers to me as softly as she can 
"I don't know? how would I know? also what the fuck? why is siren with the police?" i say mildly confused 
"No, he's a villain" blueberry says simply  

"yeah i know he's a villain, so what is going on? weren't we just being chased by the police?" i say something still not quite clicking in my brain  
"yes but they were attacked by the villains"  she says as my brain finally starts to peice together what happened 
"ooooh that makes more sense now sorry my brain mentally died" i say 

siren called out again 
"Please come out, we mean no harm" he said faking innocence but just sounding like a child who wants something 
"Should we trust him?" i ask skeptically

"i don't know but only one of us should go out at a time" blue says quietly 
" Yeah, that's smart. you should go cause i can't control the mirrors if something goes wrong " i say hoping i don't sound like im being lazy 

"True, if i sound like I'm dying please help me" blue says sounding quite tense and rightly so as she was about to meet one of the most dangerous and infamous villains currently at large (i didn't know what to write)

"How?? aren't you the only one who can operate the mirrors? " i ask wondering what she means by 'help' 
"Yes, i am the only one who can operate the mirrors meaning that the only way others can get in here is in i bring them in but while I'm the only one who can enter you can leave freely whenever you please you just can't come in without me" she says i nod ready to help her if needed and salute jokingly making her smile for a quick moment before going back to looking anxious 

"Okay I'll try to help if i hear anything strange but i won't be able to come back in without you right?" i look at her for confirmation so i don't get any information wrong that could possibly help us she nods and turns to go and face siren i could only hope he doesn't try anything sketchy

˜"*°•.˜"*°• .·°¯°·..·•°*"˜.•°*"˜

i hope you guys enjoyed this chapter this is one of my longer chapters ( 604 words long nearly twice as long as some of my other chapters )

make sure to take care of yourself, go outside and enjoy nature, go for a walk (if you want im not forcing you to)

who thinks i should make an art book i wanna know you guys' thoughts


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