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【Cheda's pov】

"Why are you so smart. you must've thought this through, it would've taken ages" i said thinking about how much time and effort she spent on this 
"Nope, i just dug a hole" she said absentmindedly  i was surprised at how good this place was when she just winged it
"Well i guess that's more like you" i say jokingly 
"It is. hey Cheda?" she asked in a curious tone

"Yeah?" i responded 
"who's your favorite villain?" blue queried  
"Ooh umm i don't know maybe dream or siren (villain Wilbur) " i  say shrugging 
"who's yours " i ask 
"Oh, mine would be-" she started to say before being cut off by police sirens

"Oh shit" i whisper-shout 
"Quiet! " Blue hissed at me as we hear footsteps above the hole then we hear a muffled
'All clear' come from we assume one of the officers 

"Jeez they're so grumpy all we did was prank a few people get over it " i whisper to blueberry 
"Umm actually i stole $25 .... and may have lit a house on fire " she whispers to me 
"Really blue of course you had to " i say sighing "whose house did you set on fire?" i say sounding exasperated 
"i    ...       don't know..." i facepalm at her response 
"BLUE!! YOU DONT KNOW YOU IDIOT" i shout as i hear a faint 'check the backyard'
"Oh my god you idiot that could have been anyones house " i say maybe a little too loud
"do you become friends with someone and then burn their house down? well?? do you?" she whisper-shouts  
i thought for a second "well, no but what if the house you burned down had belonged to a fellow vigilante that we could've been friends with" i say before we hear still muffled but louder than before someone saying 'hey we found something over here it looks like an entrance to a hole'

"i just don't want anything to happen or you to get hurt, okay? i know you love arson and so do i but be careful next time, burn down an old barn in the woods somewhere or an abandoned building or something" i say sternly but still sympathetically finishing my lecture

"Ok fine" she agrees " wait i think the police found the entrance" she says as we hear shuffling and grunting like someone trying to get into our secret bunker which is not good news for us 

"Oh, great those pricks are gonna find us quick teleport us again before they manage to get in" i say quietly, she nods and grabs my wrist, but we were about to go through the mirror when we heard something strange happening outside 


what did they hear? hahaa cliffhanger >:] 

i hope you enjoyed this chapter and remember to take care of yourselves :] 

hope you have a great day/night and have fun 


vigilante au vigilante ChedaWhere stories live. Discover now