Chapter 2

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The next day, Jiang Cheng woke up to a young man sleeping beside him.
He must be Nie Huaisang
He got up and went to take a morning shower when the young man woke up.
"Oh, sorry, didn't mean to wake you up" until now, he hadn't given him a good look. He was pretty attractive and had delicate features.
"Don't worry, uhm... I was already waking up anyways. Jiang Chiong, oh, by the way, I'm Nie Huaisang, just in case," He said, getting up from his bed, forgetting he was naked.
"Nice to meet you...uhm, could you... you know, get dressed?" Jiang Cheng said, covering his eyes
Nie Huaisang noticed he was naked, grabbed a blanket, and covered himself up.
"If you want, you can bathe first. "
"Are you sure? "
"Yeah, go before I change my mind. "
"Thanks, Jiang Chiong"
So he DOES speak like this in real life, and here I thought it was just an online thing.
<morning looser> Wei Yin texted
<so what does he look like? Is he as pretty as you imagend>
<Why are you asking? You gonna see him in a few minutes anyways>
<yeah, but I still want to have an idea>
<Yeah, well, not telling>
<so, he's hot, thanks for telling me>
<I never....>
At that moment, Nie Huaisang got out of the shower.
"I'm done; you can go now, "Nie Huaisang said, looking like the whole meal he was. Jiang Cheng almost choked on his saliva but controlled himself.
"Ok," Jiang Cheng said, running into the bathroom
"Ok," confused Nie Huaisang said.
In the next room, Wei Yin was struggling to be awake. Lan Zhan had woken him up at five in the morning, the unholy hours.
"Lan Zhan, can't I just get five more minutes."
"No, everything has a time, and right now, it's not the time to sleep. On top of that, we still have to unpack, unbox and organize our room, "Lan Zhan said, picking up a small box from the floor.
"Can't we do that tomorrow? "Wei Yin complained
"That's what you said yesterday. "
"Ok, I'm up."
They both started unpacking boxes, cleaning, and putting things away. The room was beginning to look a lot better; you could tell these two were at least in harmony when decorating their room. Because even though they were pretty contrasting in colors and objects, they still harmonized well.
Lan Zhan noticed a black flute under the desk.
"Is this yours?"
"What is?"
"This flute"
"Oh yeah, my flute. I was looking for it."
"You play the flute?"
"Yeah, I know it's lame, but it helps calm my nerves."
"I don't think it's lame." Lan Zhan said, giving Wei Yin his flute back, their hands brushed for a second, and at that moment, Wei Yin's face and Lan Zhan's ears turned red.
It seemed like time had stopped; neither could breathe, and all they could think was of the other. It felt as if they had known each other for centuries and loved each other... they both snapped out of it.
"Uh yeah, whatever," Wei Yin said, taking his flute
"mm," Lan Zhan noted, going back to his cleaning.
Wei Yin felt his heart beat go a million beats per second; even though he felt nothing for the man, he still couldn't avoid feeling that way.
Lan Zhan wasn't as calm as he showed in his mind; he was an even worst disaster because, to him, Wei Ying wasn't just another guy. He has had a crush on him since they met at the entrance exams to the school.
The idea of sharing a room with Wei Wei Yin had made him so happy yet so nervous he didn't know if he didn't know how to react, but he was there, there with his crush, a crush that wanted nothing to do with him.
It soon became time for lunch, and Wei Yin didn't think twice before leaving.
"Everything has its time; now it's time for lunch," Wei Yin said, leaving to go have lunch with Jiang Chen and Nie Huaisang.
He went downstairs to the main lobby where his brother and the pretty guy he assumed was Nie Huaisang were.
"Yo," Wei Yin waved and ran toward them
"Wait, are you..."
"Wei Xiong, it's you," Nie Huaisang said, hugging Wei Yin
"Oh my god, Nie Huaisang," he said, hugging him back.
Even though this was technically the first time they met in person, it felt like two long-lost friends having a long-awaited reunion. They had mentioned feeling like they've known each other like forever but now seeing each other in person confirmed it. They felt they had known each other since the begging of time and had been friends.
"Ok, ok, let's go eat," Jiang Cheng said, pushing them both to a nearby cafe.
They got to know each other more at the cafe and realized how much they were alike. Now Huaisang and Wei Yin we're basically twin souls. Jiang Chen felt as if he had experienced this very same encounter before.
At that moment, the famous Twin Jades walk in.
Wei Yin tried to get his roommate's attention but failed, or at least he thought.
"A-Zhan," the older of the two said
Lan Zhan looked at him
"Aren't you going to say hi? Isn't he your roommate?" Lan Xichen asked
"No," Lan Zhan said in a severe tone. "Let's get food and leave. We have to help uncle out later.",
"Now, what's your rush; you know how slow uncle is. There is no hurry; tell now, tell me, do you like that roommate of yours or what?"
Nothing went passed those eyes. He could see right thru his younger brother. Even when others couldn't tell, he could read him like an open book.
Even and especially when he wanted to hide it, Lan Xichen could always find out.
"Boring," Lan Wangji said, trying to avoid eye contact.
Lan Xichen smiled in his cheeky manner. He had hit the bullseye and would have the time of his life with his newfound entertainment.
Around the corner, Song Lang and Xue Yang were having their daily fight while Xiao Xingchen got ready with his needed coffee.
"Can you two sit and enjoy one peaceful breakfast, or shall I leave the table?" Xiao Xingcheng asked
They both sat down. They seemed more like children relentlessly listening to their mother than two grown-ups having breakfast.
To a certain extent, Xiao Xincheng liked having this control, but on the other hand, it was exhausting.
"daozhang," Xue Yang said with a pout
"Yes?" Xiao Xingchen said
"Could you help me get my stuff ready for classes? I don't know anything."
Which was the most genuine thing he had said all day since, among the people staying at said dorm, he was the only first-year (Also known as freshman intriguing)
This time Song Lang didn't complain; he could tell the little pain was sincere and, for a moment, considered offering him help but decided not to just so his gege could have some peace and not have them at each other's necks all day. As a fourth-year student, he also had things to do, so he didn't want to stress too much.
"Thank you," Xue Yang said, hugging Xiao Xingchen's arm
"Ok, let's finish eating first, ok."
"Ok, Daozhang," Xue Yang said with a cheeky smile
Today was school orientation for the first years so he would spend all day with Xiao Xingchen, and Song Lang could say nothing.
<hey dummy, you better not be bothering gege> A-Qing texted
<well, too bad for you, daozhang is gonna come with me to orientation, so suck on that (☝︎ ՞ਊ ՞)☝︎ >
<(΄◉◞౪◟◉`) I will fight you tinny man>
<who are you calling tiny you shrimp>
<wait for me to see you on the streets, you catching these hands>
<Look shorty I have stuff to do; maybe you could throw those baby hands somewhere else
<tell gege I said hi 💕>

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 11, 2022 ⏰

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