Chapter 8 - Quidditch God

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Harry woke up feeling refreshed, and was relieved to wake up normally instead of being abused by his family first thing in the morning. It really made him feel normal and good. And breakfast was just as great. He got to eat all of the food that he wanted to.

Apparently their first class was with Professor Snape.

"Who's that?" Harry asked, looking over his schedule.

"Professor Snape is the potions master at Hogwarts," Hermione info-dumped immediately. "He's that professor with the black hair sitting at the staff's table. His qualifications include..." Harry ignored her chatter to look over at the staff table, only to clutch his head as it prickled in pain. This was the third time! This professor sure was suspicious. He turned back to his breakfast and shoveled as much food away as he could.

The potions room was in the DUNGEONS?! Why would a school for children have dedicated dungeons for their classrooms. Then Harry remembered they were weird freaky wizards and shrugged it off.

They shared the class with the Slytherins so Harry had to pretend not to see Draco's extremely reflective and blinding hair. After a few minutes of being seated, Professor Snape entered the room and strut aggressively as if he was on the runway of Britain's Top Witch.

"There will be no silly wand waving in this classroom, foolish and idiotic Gryffindors! Slytherins I don't care but Gryffindors best put away your wands lest I remove ten thousand points from you!" Snape said slowly but aggressively.

"I don't expect you Gryffindors to understand the subtle science of potion making. I can teach you to bewitch the mind and ensnare the senses. I can teach you to poison your enemies in a hundred different brutal ways. I can teach you a lot of other things too." Snape continued. Harry was writing everything he said with his ink and quill, because wizards can't use pens or pencils apparently.

"But some Gryffindors think it is best to NOT PAY ATTENTION!" Snape whined pathetically and Ron and Hermione both elbowed Harry from either side to get his attention.

"Ah yes. Harry Potter. Our new celebrity. Tell me, how much money has Dumbledore made from using your name in his book series?" Snape snarled. Hermione's hand shot into the air and she nearly jumped out of her seat.

"No idea, sir." Harry said, a little defiantly. A little chaotically.

"Oh, no idea? Let's try again, how many books in the series were number one Daily Prophet best-sellers?"

Harry said nothing. Hermione jumped up onto the table and waved her hands as if Snape was actually going to call on her.

"You don't know? How disappointing. It would seem that fame isn't everything, is it Mr. Potter?"

"Well, I guess not." Harry mumbled.

"5 points from Gryffindor for your snark, Potter!" Snape growled. Suddenly, Harry's scar was struck with pain and he clutched his forehead and screamed. Snape gave him a surprised and greasy look before continuing the class.

I don't remember the potion brewing so I'm not gonna write about it. Moving on.

Harry arrived at the quidditch pitch, nervous but excited to learn how to fly. They had this class with the Slytherins too for some reason, despite it being dangerous like potions. Oh well.

A lady that would definitely be hate-crimed by the Dursleys arrived on the pitch. Her short hair and flamboyant attitude would definitely not fly with the Dursleys, just saying. She distributed the brooms and had them lay it on the ground.

"You have to be firm with the broom," she instructed. "Don't let it sense any weakness." She side eyed Neville.

"UP!" she called, and the broom flew right into her hand. Harry was impressed and tried to do the same.

"U-" the broom flew right into his hand and he levitated slightly off of the ground as wind blew in all directions, uprooting the trees in the distance. Nice. Good thing he didn't embarrass himself on his first day of quidditch class.

"How did you do that?" Ron whined, showing weakness to the broom, making it stay on the ground stiffly. Harry looked over to Neville who seemed to be having a problem where his broom whipped around like it was possessed and even took out a few ankles. Hermione was there too btw.

All of a sudden, there was screaming, and then Neville shot towards the sky at an alarming speed. He shot so far up that they could only see a speck in the sky for a moment before the dot became bigger and bigger, the screaming becoming louder and louder as he neared the ground.

"DUCK FOR COVER!" Madam Hooch screamed, and Neville shot towards the ground, rocks and debris shooting everywhere. Harry wiped his eyes as the dust cleared, and in the middle of the crater lay Neville, clutching his arm and whimpering.

He was hauled up by Madam Hooch. "If I see any of you in the sky while I'm gone to not see you in the sky, you're expelled," She warned. Then she stomped off, taking Neville with her to the Hospital Wing.

"Ok, well I'm going in the sky," Malfoy said. "Let's race, Potter."

"FINE, Malfoy." He couldn't believe Malfoy had goaded him into flying against the rules like this, but he was going to show him.

"Harry DON'T YOU DARE!!!" Hermione screeched much like Aunt Petunia but Harry ignored her and took off from the ground.

They raced for a while, and even though it was Harry's first time flying he was actually kind of awesome at it and really good. In fact, he was kind of a pro at it and even better than Malfoy. Probably better at it than anyone idk.

Suddenly, girlboss lady was stomping towards them at an alarming rate.

"Potter! Harry Potter! Get down here!" She yelled up to him as he was doing loops around Draco. Harry floated down very slowly, hoping McGonagall wouldn't be mad at him if he gave her time to cool off. When he finally landed, she told him to follow her and took his arm.

"Wait, what about Malfoy?" Harry protested, he wasn't the only one flying, after all.

"What about him? He's a Slytherin." Professor Girlboss said and brought him up to Professor Quirrel's room, "Excuse me, Professor, but can I snatch Oliver Wood from your class? Thanks. Wood, come here now." She finished before Quirrel had a chance to say anything, and an older red haired Gryffindor exited the classroom. Harry thought he might be a Weasley but his last name was Wood so he obviously couldn't be. Silly Harry.

"Wood, this is Harry Potter and he will be our new seeker! He is like a master on a broom and I want us to win so please don't fail me. Alright, good luck guys." And she left them standing awkwardly in the hallway.

Some other stuff happened. Then, Harry met with Oliver Wood back on the quidditch pitch to actually learn what this weird sport was.

"Okay, Harry. This ball goes through the hoops. These ones try to maim and injure you horribly but don't worry!" Wood put up his hands when Harry cried out "What?" at the explanation, "There are some guys on our team with tiny bats that hit the ball away so don't worry. All I want you to worry about is this tiny golden ball. If you catch it we win."

"So what's the point of the ball going through the hoops if catching this means we win?" Harry asked, but Wood didn't answer.

"Well, ready to give it a try?" Wood asked Harry and he nodded. Harry didn't want to brag but man could he catch a snitch. Oliver Wood broke down crying tears of joy after Harry caught it for the 10th time in as many minutes. So yeah, he was good at quidditch, step off, Malfoy!

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