Chapter 13 - Yay Christmas!!

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Even though Hagrid had basically given them all the information they needed, Harry and his friends weren't able to make any progress towards solving what the you-know-what was and why Snape was definitely trying to steal it. To make things worse, Hermione was leaving the school for Christmas break. Ron decided to stay at Hogwarts with Harry, though.

On Christmas morning, Harry opened his eyes to a room full of excited firsties. He was expecting no presents, in fact Harry had never even held a present of his own before. So when he saw the small mountain of presents just for him, he widened his eyes in surprise.

"Mum made you a Weasley sweater," Ron(?) told him. "I told her not to but she wouldn't listen."

Harry stared down at his very own Weasley sweater and smiled. He had never had someone make him a sweater before, because he was an orphan and didn't have a mum to do those sorts of things for him. Sad.

"And look, you've got some other presents too!" Ron pointed aggressively at a mound of presents that would make Dudley jealous. Apparently being famous means fans will send you presents for Christmas, who knew? Harry started opening all of the amazing gifts from people he didn't know. One of them was actually from the Dursleys but it was just an empty box with a single toenail inside... Um okay?

Then Harry spotted one from Dumbledore. He opened it and found the headmaster's newest book "Harry Potter's First Year at Hogwarts, Part 1" sitting inside the box. Wow.

Under that was "Harry Potter's First Halloween at Hogwarts" which was signed. Harry stacked those with the wrapped presents from Hermione which were presumably books. Harry curiously ripped open a package that held silky fabric which was almost like liquid in his hands. Tucked inside was a note which read, "thanks for letting me borrow this, it belonged to your dead father. Who is dead." Wow. Harry had never held something that had belonged to his father before. This was an amazing present.

Harry held up the fabric to his body and wrapped it around himself. Ron screeched and pointed aggressively at Harry for several seconds before telling him what was going on.

"That's an invisibility cloak! Wicked! They are super rare, like there is basically only one in existence wow!" Ron yelled. Harry looked down and realized his whole body really was invisible! This is an even better gift than he had thought! Imagine the things he could do while invisible!

"This is awesome! I'm gonna sneak into the restricted section tonight to find some info about that Hennig Brand." Harry decided. Ron nodded approvingly.

The rest of his Christmas day was really awesome and he got to stuff himself with food. The only way to really finish this awesome day off was with some sneaking around after curfew with his new invisibility cloak.

"Bye, Ron," Harry called behind him. Ron answered with a snore and turned over in his sleep.

Harry walked around for a bit. The rules really didn't apply to him because he was just that cool. Why would he have something like an invisibility cloak if he wasn't meant to be breaking the rules?

Harry randomly turned the corner to a room that had a HUGE mirror for some reason. He decided to investigate after closing the door and making sure nobody was around. He took off his cloak and looked into the mirror, which said "Erised is what I show you" whatever that means. Nothing seemed to be happening for a moment but then Harry realized there was a man and a woman standing on either side of him in his reflection.

He jumped and turned around but they weren't actually in the room with him. Only in the mirror. Harry somehow realized they were his parents and he started crying omg guys I'm gonna cry just writing this. Sad.

"A lot of people lose their lives to this mirror," a voice said from behind Harry. "But I put it in this school anyway." It was...Dumbledore!


"You probably see your parents, right, Harry?" Omg how did he know?

"What do you see, sir?" Harry asked.

"A good pair of stockings." Nice.

"Listen Harry, it's not good to dwell on dreams and forget to live. I know, I'm super wise. Anyway, we are moving this mirror to a new place for no real reason, and I ask that you don't go searching for it because that wouldn't fit into my plans." Dumbledore said and his eyes twinkled so bright Harry was blinded for a second.

"Okay sir, I won't. By the way, do you know anything about Hennig Brand?" Harry asked but Dumbledore left the room. Oh ok. Weird.

Harry shrugged and headed back to the Gryffindor Tower. 

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