rocky apple juice

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  Apple juice, you never wanted it but you never hated it. Thats when juicy juju joof the apple drink walked into your life. So regal so elegant so shiny you couldn't help but fall in love. But every apple has a worm in it.

  Some days juju joof was horribly mean. Calling you names. you didnt like when people called you names because it hurt your feelings.

  "stupid stupid stupid strawberry juice" your heart broke after hearing these words from juju joof, the love of your life.

  As strawberry juice, the best kind up there with lemonade you were always sought after for your hand in marriage. Everyone wanted strawberries on their arm. But you only wanted one.

  Lemonade. You were happy with apple juice but lemonade was always what you sought after. The best kind of man, sweet and hot.

  You decided it was enough. You were pouring out your relationship with juju joof. You were sick of him.

  "I'm breaking up with you"


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