chapter 17: tenka's attempt

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as me and kyoka were cuddling together tenka barged in using her ability

"oh oops, you didn't tell me you two were in a relationship kyo-chin" tenka said innocently kyoka huffed

"i'll deal with her dear, don't worry" i said

"why should i worry i know for a fact what you like in a women and it's not her, she has the qualities you don't like" kyoka said as she got out of bed and walked out of the room leaving us alone

"she's right you know, you are a bit to lustful and playful for my liking, i like a serious woman, though you do have the confidence that i like in my women" i said

"so i have something you like huh, yuu-kun" tenka said sweetly

"saying that, you also have competition with himari, and yachiho, and shushu, and nearly every girl in the corps" i said

"true" tenka said as she walked up to me in a sensuous manner

"but have you had the chance to touch kyoka like you can me right now" tenka asked

"yes, just because i haven't taken it means i am a good guy, but she has offered me many times, i can take her whenever i would want" i said with a smirk she frowned

"phooey" she said as shushu barged in

"ENEMY ATTACK" shushu shouted

"right time to get to work, it's time to see why you are no competition to kyoka" i said as i got up a through my cape over my shoulders placing my cap on my head

"ikuzo, shushu we don't want to keep kyoka waiting" i said

"HAI" shushu said she watched in awe

"he has such authority over the squad" she said to herself as a small smile graced her lips

"i would enjoy seeing what that confidence would do" tenka said as we walked outside

"sorry for the commotion kyo-chin i didn't think an attack would happen" tenka said kyoka straight up ignored her

"kyoka, i wanna test a theory" i said 

"understood" kyoka said

"himari through her a blade" i said himari understood and through her one of her blades which kyoka caught and impaled herself with sure enough she did transform, i let out a whistle and cavaliere rolled up kyoka grabbed and separated the bike into it's saw mode she then got down to allow me access i quickly mounted her

"shall we test our new technique" i asked as i grabbed the chain

"CHARGE" i commanded as kyoka shot forward

"STRIKE" i shouted

"DEVIL SLAVE CROSS" kyoka shouted as she delivered the powerful attack oneshotting the shuuki

"as expected" kyoka said proud of herself her attack working like a charm as she walked back to the dorm

kyoka and tenka decided to go to a ramen bar, she was not happy by what she had learned, essentially the commander had decided to try and open dialogue with the shuuki, a rather stupid decision there was also to be a chief's meeting, but the 6th gave their support to the 7th something which did please kyoka

when i heard of it i got in contact with my officers at the company and told them to prepare for damage control just like kyoka i knew this would be a bad idea overall

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