True Love?

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Later that day....
                      Celeste's POV
Me & Punk have been getting close since AJ left to return to the WWE. Now she just comes back here and ruins everything that me and Punk have accomplished by just stepping back in his life now. Well I refuse to let some bitch come between me & Punk, even if that bitch is my bestfriend.
                AJ Lee's POV
"Do you think Celeste has a crush on you?" I ask Punk raising an eyebrow.
"Nah, why do you ask?" He retorted nervously.
"And if I didn't know better I would say you were staring at her chest for a little while too." I gave him an all-knowing look.
He chuckled defensively "C'mon Ape you're the only girl I have eyes for." He wrapped his arms around me. In that moment I decided to ignore the fact he was lying through his teeth.
"Do you and Celeste hang out when I'm not around?" I asked suspiciously.
"No, why?"  He responded casually enough.
"I was just wondering what she was doing here in the morning." I asked suspiciously.
"Uh, um she was just dropping off some groceries for me." I could feel his heart beating through his chest on my back, but I decided to ignore it, I didn't want to get into a fight my first day back.
                    Celeste POV
I packed my stuff and left that scumbag loser. I can't believe I almost married him. I thought to myself. I've been looking for a reason to leave him and this is a helluva one right here. I found him in the bed with his ex. "I can't believe you PJ." I faked sadness, but truly I felt nothing I been doing the same thing. But unlike him I want dumb enough to get caught. I threw my stuff in the trunk of my car and drove to Phil's house. I couldn't hold back the smile that was creeping up on me. When I reached Phil's house force a couple tears and smeared my makeup to allude to sadness.
AJ opened the door & immediately she was concerned. "What's wrong honey"
"PJ cheated on me." I cried into her shoulder.
"Awe I'm so sorry. He is a loser and a jerk for doing that to you. He doesn't deserve you anyways.." She petted my head.
"Can I stay here tonight? I left my wallet at the house and I don't have the heart to face him." I forced a couple more tears to make it believable.
I walked in and notice AJ was wearing lingerie.
"What's the wardrobe?" I asked completely irritated.
She blushed. "Oh, Punk wanted to show me how much he missed me." She laughed.
I grinded my teeth I can't believe Phil he's such a pig. Less than 24 hours ago he was sleeping with me & now he is doing the same with my best friend unbelievable.
"You ok Celeste? You looked a little lost there." She waved her hand in front of my face.
"Uh yeah I was just thinking about how much of a douche PJ is." I let out a slight giggle.
"That's my girl." She exclaimed and kissed my cheek. I spotted her as she was about to walk to Punk's room. "Ummm Ape can I sleep with you tonight?" I asked out if desperation.
"Yeah....sure c'mon." She waved me over to their room. God I hate that they're together & we're not. I hate her so much right now.
I went into the room and saw Punk peacefully snoring. Omg I forgive him, he's so adorable. I was almost swimming in my panties when AJ tossed one of his shirts at me.  "Just wear this to sleep in."
AJ shook Punk to wake him up. "What." He whined ever so adorably.
"You're gonna have to sleep in the guest room tonight. Celeste and I are sleeping together."
He groaned and lazily walked over to the neighbouring room. I caught a long glance at his naked body & couldn't help but bite my lip. How could he have this effect on me. It's not fair that I'm willing to betray my friend to just get his attention. I've never had this feeling. This must be what true love feels like. True Love?

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